9 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website – That Aren’t Spam!

drive traffic to your website

Spam is bad! We all know that.

Getting found on the internet can be a daunting task, especially if you are working with a limited budget. Sure, you can engage in pay-per-click campaign (and yes, they do have benefits in many instances), but most companies and entrepreneurs look to gain organic traffic.

One of the most effective strategies to grow organically is to develop inbound links. These links will serve you best if they are not links that your competitors can easily recreate, giving you a competitive edge and helping build both authority and traffic. Here are 9 ways to earn credible inbound links to your website.

1. Give a Presentation:

Most industries hold conferences and seminars, and many of them provide opportunities for guest presenters. In most instances, the conference will have its own website or will be mentioned on a related site. Be sure that you are mentioned on the site as a presenter, with a link to your site.

2. Become Involved in Your Community:

Becoming known in your local area can be a huge benefit to you and your business. Through the simple act of volunteering in your community, you can land tons of traffic to your site and mentions from authority sites such as non-profit organizations. Read more

Promoting Your Business When Things Are Slow: Our Baker’s Dozen

Thirteen tips to improve your business

Consider the following 13 tips to get yourself and your business in front of new prospects.

Every business has cycles, and when business is slow, sometimes we have to look at other ways to get in front of business prospects. So don’t just sit there and stare at your computer screen. Try some of these proven methods to gain more clients.

1. Teach what you know.

One of the best things you can do to give your company a boost is to become a teacher. This doesn’t have to be formal teaching at a college or continuing education program, although that is always an option. Consider holding lunch and learns, or hold a meeting at a community center.

2. Reach out to affinity markets.

This is just a fancy way of saying to look into those areas where you share interests. For instance, do you have a favorite hobby, or expertise in an industry from your past? These areas make excellent targets. See if they have publications you can write for or advertise in, and attend networking functions. Become the expert in their niche.

3. Write, write, and write some more.

If you aren’t already writing articles, get busy. Submit articles to local newspapers and community newsletters. Write for trade journals within your niche. Post interesting and educational material on your website. The more you are seen, the more you gain credibility.

4. Become a speaker.

Offer to speak about your area of specialty to local associations and business organizations. You can also host your own speaking events by inviting a group of people to attend. Or consider offering to speak to a group that someone else hosts.

5. Launch a newsletter.

A weekly or monthly email update can generate lots of interest and inquiries. Start your own, paying attention to anti-spam laws.

6. Issue Press releases.

Consider sending out a press release whenever you have something noteworthy to state. This can be a very effective way to get some great PR.

7. Use PowerPoint presentations.

PowerPoint is an easy program to learn. You don’t have to be a master to create a presentation that can be shared online or saved on a CD and mailed to clients and prospects.

8. Participate on a radio show.

Find a local radio show that is looking for guests to speak about different topics. Call the program coordinator and see if there is an opportunity to speak about your area of specialty from time to time.

9. Sponsor an event.

If you have a hobby like golf, biking, running, etc., you can find lots of opportunities to sponsor events. Prizes, gifts, cash support – all of these will provide lots of opportunities to boost your businesses. Plus, participating in this fashion reflects positively in the community.

10. Conduct surveys.

Take your cold calling to another level by introducing a survey. Don’t make it too big or too complex; three simple questions can help you build your business. Offer to share the results of the survey by email. This also helps to build your newsletter/email list that allows you to keep in touch with clients and prospects.

11. Clipping can help your business.

Keep your eye on newspapers and trade journals for news about those whose business you would like to attract. When you find something, clip the article and send it to them along with a note of congratulations. Sure to get their attentions!

12. Social Networks.

Remember that a lot of business is now conducted online as well. Create a couple appropriate social networks and monitor your connections. As in the previous point, be sure to reach out to your connections whenever anything noteworthy happens to them.

13. Online forums.

Consider participating in a couple of online forums targeted to your niche. These offer a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your expertise, as well as to provide information to others. By giving, we truly do end up receiving!

So there you have it – our baker’s dozen for you to try out. When business gets slow, you don’t have to wait for things to turn around. Take control, implement some of these tips and your business will continue to grow.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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6 Main Components Of An Online Media Kit

online media kit

An online media kit is a great way to launch a public relations campaign.

It provides the opportunity for your prospects and the media to get a closer look at you and your business.

Additionally, it makes it simple to capture the attention of online and offline journalists, bloggers, event hosts and even radio show producers, allowing them ease of contact in order to draw attention to you and your business. And, it never hurts to show that you are media friendly and media savvy.

Be sure to dedicate a separate page on your website to your media kit. You can call this page Media, or Press or Media Kit, ensuring ease of navigation to the page. Also, be sure to use file formats that work across various platforms, browsers and computers, such as PDF files.

A properly designed media kit is generally comprised of the following six main components: Read more
