Getting More Clients When Times Are Tough

getting more clients when times are tough

How do you get clients when times are tough?

Getting new clients is a challenge at the best of times, but when the economy has slowed down, it can be an even bigger challenge.

This Small Business Tips Show broadcast was originally aired in 2015. But the information in this podcast is as relevant today as it was then. Economies are cyclical, and there are always the inevitable ups and downs. Listen in for some strategies and real life examples of how to survive in tough times.

For more tips on how to improve your business, catch my videos on the Agapi YouTube channel, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Listen here or download the podcast.

Did you know? Our podcast is available on 7 platforms.

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Who’s Following Me?

data rights

Are you giving away your data rights?

Do you understand your data rights?

Today, I’m posting a video that is a follow-up to the Warning! Your Data Has Been Breached video posted a bit over a week ago.

This video talks in more detail about why the information you share online should be carefully considered and how it is up to each of us to ensure that we protect ourselves.

I invite you to check out this newest video. If you like what you see, I’d appreciate it if you subscribed, like, comment and/or share the video. Especially share!!!

Watch here or watch on YouTube.

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Your Data Has Been Breached Podcast

your data has been breached

The message is important enough to publish in another format.

We shared our video from our YouTube channel on here the other day. But some folks prefer a podcast.

With that in mind, our podcast is now available. Listen here or download and take it with you.

Did you know… our podcasts are available on 7 platforms.

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Top 3 Challenges to Tracking Your Digital Marketing ROI

track your digital marketing roi

Do you have a system to track your Digital Marketing ROI?

Do you have a way to quantify how your digital marketing efforts contribute to the bottom line?

MarketingProfs reported that 71% of marketing leaders and providers say attributing social and content to revenue is a top challenge to showing ROI.

49% say that aligning KPIs with overall business goals ranks as the next biggest hurdle, followed by 47% fail to track leads to revenue.

The figures above also suggest that 29%, 51%, and 53% respectively don’t have that problem.

So the top 3 problems are:
  • Attributing social and content to revenue.
  • Aligning KPIs to revenue.
  • Tracking leads to revenue

Are you having the same challenges? Do you have a compelling reason to learn more about this?

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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4 Ways To Tell That Your Website Needs A Redesign

redesign your website

Don’t put off that redesign!

At Agapi Marketing & Consulting Ltd., we want to make sure your business looks irresistible online. so we had our experts compile a list of 4 warning signs that your website might need a total redesign.

1. Your site takes more than 3 seconds to load

If your site takes longer than two seconds to load, you can not expect people to sit around and wait for the content to show up. According to a survey from Akamai, 49-percent of consumers expect a site to load in two seconds or less. Testing the speed of your website is easy. Open your website on multiple devices such as phones, tablets, and desktop computers to check the speed.

2. Some of the features or content do not display properly

Check your website regularly to make sure logos, photos, and outside links are working properly.

3. Your site is difficult to view and navigate on mobile

Check to make sure your website is usable on a wide range of mobile devices. The last thing you want is to lose a potential customer because your website is not responsive.

4. You’re Not Seeing Any Business Results.

Is your website bringing in leads and sales? If not, it is definitely time to consider a redesign.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Grow your Potential Customers: Extend your Brand’s Reach to a Targeted Audience on Facebook and LinkedIn with $200.

sponsored posts

$200 can grow your brand’s reach with boosted and sponsored posts.

Did you know you can extend your marketing messages beyond your existing followers and connections on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other channels through boosted and sponsored updates?

We recommend performing a test either on Facebook or LinkedIn.

The first step is to get a Facebook Business Page or a LinkedIn Company Page created for you, compose and publish a post, then ‘boost’ that post.

We advise that the post be linked to a landing page on your website where they can sign up for more information so you can capture their email addresses.

For Facebook, we can select your boosted post audience to target by country, age, gender, and interests. For LinkedIn, we can choose the characteristics of your audience you want to target by country and title or job function.

With a test budget of $200, you can reach at least 30 to 50 thousand people seeing your message and brand (impressions) on Facebook, while on LinkedIn, you can reach approximately 7 to 9 thousand decision makers.

Now that’s powerful!

Imagine reaching out to a huge number of people who might be interested in your products or services with specific demographics without having to know who they are, their email addresses, and phone numbers!

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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The Voice of Your Customers is a Valuable Marketing Tool

reputation marketing

Reputation marketing is all about responding to the voice of your customers.

Digital marketing generally means getting the word out online about your brand and getting customers to see why they should buy from your business.

But in today’s hyperconnected world, your customers can also shape the reputation of your business online in (nearly) real time. This is very important as 77% of consumers read online reviews before making a decision.

While talking about how good your products and services are is of course useful and necessary, what your customers say about your company can also be used as a marketing tool. This is called Reputation Marketing. What makes this strategy different from other types is that it puts the “voice of the customer” as the central focus.

What your customers say about your business is not something you can control, buy, or make them do, but you can use the positive reviews they do leave to shape the narrative of your business’ reputation.

It’s amazing how many business owners are keen on running all sorts of online marketing campaigns, yet they don’t take the time to have their customers write a comprehensive review about their products.

Can you imagine how many of your “would-be customers” end up buying from your competitors, all because they couldn’t find any reviews about your product or service?

It’s essential for potential customers to know that others have used your business and had a good experience doing so, giving your business a reputation of trustworthiness.

Reputation marketing today is a must.

How do you get these positive reviews for your business and strengthen your reputation? There are many ways and we’d be glad to help.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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6 Ways To Improve Your Content Marketing

improve your content marketing

Content is king, right?

Well, yes and no.

Content marketing has been one of the buzz words for better conversions for quite a while now. Of course, new phrasing doesn’t change a tried and true method of promoting your business.

Providing content to your clients and prospects has always been important; it has just evolved to a different level with the internet and digital communications. But as the internet has grown, so have the number of businesses, all vying for their market share and driving prospects to their site. So how do you get noticed?

Here are 6 questions to ask that will improve your content marketing results.

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Using A/B Testing For Better Results

a-b testing

Your email campaigns can probably do better.

Do you use A/B testing?

We all know that subject lines, just like headlines, are the key to better open rates. A snappy subject line will create intrigue and draw your reader in, eager to learn more. But how do you know what subject line gets the best results?

That’s where A/B testing (sometimes called split testing) comes in.

Learn 4 ways to improve your split testing now.

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Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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