How to Effectively Communicate With Your Current Customers

effective communication

Communicating effectively!

Effective communication is the cornerstone of ANY relationship, whether personal or professional. That means effective communication with your customers is paramount if you want to be successful. Loyal customers come from building a real relationship with them, not just providing them with one-offs. How do you create that relationship? By providing them with something of value, which will prove to be profitable for you in the long run.

The way to accomplish this is pretty straightforward.

First of all you need to know the value each of your clients. This may sound a bit harsh, but to be successful, you must determine which of your clients provides you with the best return on your investment in order to prioritize your marketing and communications programs with all your clients.

Your customers will generally your customers will fall into one of three categories; high value, medium value, or low value.

Your high value customers are most likely your repeat clients, and will generate the most revenue for you. These are the customers you want to keep in regular contact with, and provide them with some extra value from time to time, in order to keep them as lifetime customers. Medium value customers are often those clients who are currently a very profitable customer who, with proper care and communication, could very likely become a high value client.

The low value customers are those customers who offer very little in the way of profitability to your company. You can lower your costs of doing business with them by automating much of your communication with them as possible. At some point, these low value clients are likely to either become more profitable or take their business elsewhere.

So, of course the first thing you have to do it to properly categorize your clients. Whether you are capturing contact information manually via foot traffic into your brick and mortar business, or are capturing information electronically through a lead capture system on your website, you still need to do regular maintenance to ensure all the info is current and up to date. It is especially important to make sure that all names are spelled correctly; if you can’t take the time to get your clients’ names right, the impression you will leave with them is that they are unimportant, and therefore, what value could you possibly provide to them?

The other thing you need to do is ‘know your customer’. Understand their wants and needs. Identify and remove their ‘pain points’. This will also enhance your communication with your clients, further strengthening your relationship with them.

Finally, always give your customers a method to provide you with feedback. Remember that communication is a two way street. Your clients’ needs may change over time, and if you are not in tune with that, you will end up losing them. Great customer service and feedback from your clients go hand in hand, and if you don’t provide your customers with both, you can be certain your business will suffer.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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5 Marketing Tips to Get You Through The Slump

marketing tips for economic downturn

What? Me worry?

Ok, I know the economic climate has changed out there. I know that oil prices have dropped, companies are cutting back on their operating budgets, and people have been laid off. Marketing during the economic slump can be difficult.

But I refuse to take the “Chicken Little” approach.

Anyone who has been in the patch for more than a few years – in fact anyone who has grown up or lived in Alberta – knows that there are swings in oil and gas prices. Sometimes, big swings!

And anyone in business knows that there are economic cycles to every industry from time to time.

So what I am suggesting is that this, too, shall pass.

Instead of focusing on the lower price of oil, look instead at the opportunities that this cycle can provide.

Does this mean that I am blind to what is happening out there? Of course not. Just like you, my business has been touched by this downturn – just as it has been in previous downturns. Yet, we survive. And in some cases, we thrive.

One of the first things that businesses seem to cut when revenues are tight is their marketing. Yes, you’ve heard it before, but it is the truth; when times are tough, you must keep marketing your products and services. You may have to adjust, you may have to adapt, but you must keep marketing.

Here are some tips to help you weather this current price slump and position you to do even better once prices recover:

1. Work on your client relationships. How strong are your relationships with your current clients? We all know that people prefer to do business with others who they like, know and trust. Are you that person to your clients? Have you developed a strong rapport with them? If so, you are already ahead of the game. If not, it’s time to take a look at how you build relationships now and for the future.

2. Become more visible. Don’t hide in your office waiting for prices to rebound. Your clients and prospects just might forget about you. Be sure to keep in touch with them and attend networking events. Stay visible!

3. Communicate in ways that allow you to capture business in the easiest way. Consider more email marketing to your existing clients and prospects. Be sure that your content is well written, and you may wish to present a compelling offer to those most loyal to your business.

4. Get noticed for free. Marketing does not have to cost money, although you do have to commit to spending some time. Do you use social media? Find out which online forums, message boards and blogs are relevant to your business and consider joining the discussions. You can also consider using social media methods such as video blogs, and social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Use these online methods to encourage conversation about you and your business, and showcase your products.

5. Finally, don’t believe everything you hear. Back to my original comment; don’t focus on the negative media attention. Lots of analysts have predicted terrible things, not just during this downturn, but over the course of many economic cycles, and few ever turn out as bad as predicted. How you look at things will play a huge role in how you weather this storm. True, it can be difficult to stay positive, but it is essential to stay focused on your goals.
One thing you can be sure of, the economy will continue to have its cycles. While business may be more challenging right now, stay focused, work smarter, and above all – keep marketing!

This article was published in the February 2015 issue of the Oilfield Pulse Newsletter.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Creating An Online Media Kit

online media kit

How To Create An Online Media Kit

Are you unclear on what, exactly, an online media kit is? Are you wondering if you can benefit from an online media kit? Or, how to create an online media kit? Well, odds are that developing one for your business can enhance the delivery of information to both prospects and the media.

Watch our video now, or on YouTube.

This video will help you understand the six main components to crafting your online media kit. Following the steps that are laid out in this video, you will be up and running with your own online media kit in no time!

But if you are a bit hesitant about setting this up on your own, or simply don’t have the time to take care of it, simply contact us and we will be happy to follow up with you.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you are ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Marketing On YouTube – Part Five

youtube marketing faqs

The Top FAQ’s About YouTube Marketing

Hopefully, the previous 4 videos have shown you the clear advantages to using YouTube marketing to grow your business and increase your brand awareness. In this final video, we address the top FAQ’s regarding using YouTube for marketing.

Watch our video about YouTube Marketing FAQ’s now, or on YouTube.

This video will answer the most common questions that come up regarding YouTube video marketing. Read more

Marketing On YouTube – Part Four

youtube marketing success

Revealing The Top 7 Steps To YouTube Marketing Success

By now, you have debunked the YouTube marketing myths and have learned the top 5 reasons why you should be using this online tool to help grow your business. In this video, the fourth in our series, we reveal the top 7 steps to achieve YouTube marketing success.

Watch our video now, or on YouTube.

This video lays out, step by step, the top 7 things you can and should do to ensure marketing success using YouTube. Read more

Marketing On YouTube – Part Two

youtube marketing

The Top 4 Common Misconceptions About YouTube Marketing

Last month, we posted our introductory video about marketing your business on YouTube.

This month, we want to talk about the top 4 misconceptions about marketing on YouTube and debunking the myths.

Watch our video now, or on YouTube.

In this video, you will learn what these myths are, and learn the truth and the value of marketing your business on YouTube. Read more

Marketing On YouTube – Part One

youtube marketing

So what is YouTube Marketing – and why should you be using it anyway?

Are you marketing your business on YouTube?  If not, you are missing a great opportunity to engage with your clients and prospects, build trust, and promote your products and services.

Over the next few months, we will be uploading a series of videos that will outline to you the reasons why you should be using this online tool to help build your business.  The videos were created from an online presentation that was developed and delivered in 2013; the statistics may have changed and the quality isn’t great, (video engagement has increased since then) but the concepts and principles remain relevant.

Watch our first video now, or watch on YouTube.

In this video, you will learn what YouTube marketing is, and why you should be using it. Read more

Consultants, Temporary Workers And Small Business Owners – A Force To Be Reckoned With!


The workplace is evolving.

And all across North America, more and more people are choosing to become independent workers and consultants.

An independent worker is someone who is a consultant, a temp, or a small business owner. According to the third annual MBO Partners State of Independence Report, published in 2013, 17.7 million Americans deemed themselves to be independent workers in that same year. This survey reflected only those folks who work 15 or more hours per week as an independent.

Independent workers also create jobs. 1 out of every 4 independent workers has hired another person as either a subcontractor or an employee.

So Just Who Are These Independent Workers?

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Do You Know Your Customers?

know your customers

How well do you know your customers?

Last month, we posted an article about how important it is to know your competitors in business.

Just as important is that is to know your customer. In fact, it is a critical ingredient in the running of a successful business.

Simply put, if you don’t know your customer, how will you know what they need? How will you satisfy their requirements and increase their lifetime value to your business? Well, of course if you don’t know your client, you are merely going through the motions and hoping that you are doing the right things to please them. And that just isn’t good enough!

So what does it take to really get to know your customers?

First of all, you should identify your ideal client. What do they look like? Are you looking to provide products and services to a specific group of professionals? What services or products best fit with them? How much are you aiming to obtain in your average sale?

Then, understand what motivates them. It doesn’t matter if your business operates online or offline, or if you sell products or services. The principles are the same. Identify what your target market needs and wants, and then set out to show them how to obtain it. That is what creates satisfies, loyal customers and will generate referrals for your business.

Keep in mind that your customers are human; yes, behind that business is a manager or partner who is a human. Their requirements will always be changing and evolving. It is your responsibility to keep up with their needs and wishes if you are going to keep them happy. It’s not really that hard. Business relationships are just that – relationships. If you do your research, communicate regularly with your client, and really get to the core of what their goals and ambitions are, you will have a devoted and reliable client for many years to come.

Make sure that you are continually doing your research to ensure that the development and implementation of every marketing strategy you provide is current. Monitor all programs and projects to monopolize of strategies that work and eliminate those that don’t. Know your customers’ likes and dislikes, problems and complaints, wants and needs, regardless of whether you are providing a product or service. Anticipate their needs.

Commit time to learning every day to stay on top of changing trends and become a leader in your industry. After all, wasn’t that your goal when you first started your business?

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you are ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Do You Know Your Competition?

know your competition

You need to know your competition.

Regardless of whether your business operates online or offline, knowing and understanding your competitors is vital to your success. Just as no man is an island, no business operates in seclusion. It’s extremely important for you to do your research on your competitors and find out about their strengths and weaknesses. There will always be other businesses that provide variations of your own products and services, and knowing who they are and how they work will give you an edge on securing clients.

Most likely, you are targeting clients from the same pool of prospects. By knowing the tactics and techniques that your competitors are using, you can gain an advantage over them and attract the prospects to become your clients rather than theirs.

It’s important that you understand your competitors so that you can position your business and your products and services to stand apart from the crowd. Otherwise, you simply become just another business offering the same services as dozens of others. Why would a prospect choose you over any of the rest? Do you want to leave that to chance, or are you going to take a page from successful businesses to create and develop your own unique brand?

So how do you go about developing a strategy to position yourself and give your business a leg up on your competitors?

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