Set Your Marketing Budget

marketing budget

Have you set your marketing budget?

Be sure to find the sweet spot!

Without setting a marketing budget, you are just flying by the seat of your pants. Too often, too many business owners claim that marketing just doesn’t work. Well, the reality is, it didn’t work because you didn’t plan properly – and that includes setting an appropriate budget!

Today, our Marketing In A Minute video series points out why you MUST set a budget to be successful in your marketing efforts.

Please join us now, and consider subscribing to our channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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5 Ways To Market When Cash Is Tight

create buzz

Most businesses experience tighter cash flow issues from time to time…

Whether as a result of the economy, something related to their niche, or perhaps from some changes to internal processes, how do you create some buzz?  

I’ve spoken before about the fact that marketing is often the first place that businesses will cut back when they are experiencing cash flow issues. And, I’ve also spoken many times about the fact that this is one of the worst things a business can do.

Not only does this put the brakes on attracting attention to your business, but it also put you behind for the time when either the economy or your cash flow improves.

Regardless of whether you are an established business feeling the pinch or a startup experiencing difficulty accessing capital, the five tips in this article will show you that marketing does not have to be expensive to be effective.

1. Content Is King

I know we keep hearing this over and over again, but it is a fact. One of the most effective things that you can do is to publish quality content. Regularly posting content that resonates with your target audience is extremely cost effective and is a great way to build trust and to keep you consistently on the radar of your clients and prospects. Posting regular content is also a great way to improve your search engine results, improving your ranking.

2. Network, Network, Network!

Never underestimate the value you and your employees bring to your business. Every experience that brings you in contact with others is an opportunity to network, so don’t overlook these occasions. Attending a conference? Be sure to take long some business cards. Tradeshows, lunches, spontaneous or unplanned meetings-these are all great opportunities for you to promote your corporate brand and let people see the human face to your business. And remember that networking is a two way street. Offer something of value to those you are connecting with and they are more likely to reciprocate.

3. Borrow On Your Line Of Credit

While there are many opportunities to market your business for free, or at least inexpensively, it is misleading to think that marketing doesn’t require any budget at all. There are nearly always some costs attached to marketing strategies, whether it is printing costs, outsourcing writers, hiring employees, or utilizing various tools and subscriptions. If it makes sense, consider using a line of credit to get access to immediate capital needed to fulfill your more pressing marketing needs. Used cautiously, this can help keep your marketing engine running until your cash flow improves.

4. Take Advantage Of Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are a great way to reach out to multitudes of people over the Internet. Just make sure that you are utilizing the appropriate channels to reach your target audience. And remember that you don’t have to be on all social media platforms. Choose the top 3 to 5 platforms for your niche and your target audience and stick to them. Post relevant messages and links to draw your target audience back to your website. Be sure that you are responding to any messages, requests, or comments that you get on these platforms as they can be a double-edged sword. Remember that they are social, and interaction is expected.

5. Do You Ask For Referrals?

Although the dollar figure may vary from business to business, we are all very well aware that it costs much more to obtain a client than it does to keep a client. And nothing is more effective in bringing business through the door than a solid referral from a satisfied customer. People do business with people who they like know and trust, and a recommendation from a happy client translates to a pre-determined trust by the new business prospect. Create some type of referral or loyalty program among your customers and let them help market your business through their satisfaction.

So as you can see, it’s easy to market your business effectively even when times are tough. Adhering to a marketing program will ensure that your company will not only survive, but will thrive.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Is Your Business Competitive?

recipe for success

We all know the recipe for success with your business.

You have to have a product or a service that people want, you have to have it priced appropriately, and you have to attract customers.

It goes without saying that you can have the absolute best product or service in the world, but without clients it simply doesn’t matter. Remember that eternal question? You know; the one that says “if a tree falls in the forest and is no one there to hear it, does it make a noise?”

Well, the same applies to your business.

In many cases, business owners focus on price. They or their team will research their competition and react to the cost of the service and product from their competitor to their end-user. There are many, many problems with competing for clients solely on price.

First of all, you probably don’t know your competitors cost of sales. If they are a privately held company, you have no way of knowing what their financial picture truly is. Are they operating a loss? Are they heavily in debt? Perhaps are offering a lower price but at the detriment to the long-term future of the company.

Another problem with competing solely on price is that you don’t know what your competitor is offering behind the scenes. Do they have any guarantees? What kind of support do they provide to the customer? And what, if anything, is included in the purchase price?

One of the biggest dangers of competing solely on price is that you erode the value of your product or service. If you price your product or service to low, it is perceived as having little to no value. And if you price your product extremely high and then offer discount after discount, it raises the question of your company’s integrity if you can afford to sell the product for so much less than your original price.

In order to be competitive in your niche, you have to provide value to your clients. And, of course, you have to ensure that your prospects know about the value that you provide.

Which of course, all comes back to marketing.

It is well known and well documented that people are willing to pay more for a service or product as long as they believe that they are receiving value for their investment. You don’t even have to have the best product or service, with all the bells and whistles. Customers are looking to do business with companies and with people that they can trust.

By making sure that your clients feel comfortable doing business with you, and that they believe that you will stand behind your product or service, you will stand head and shoulders above your competitors. Simply putting yourself in your clients’ shoes will go a long way to being authentic with your clients and prospects.

But the flip side of this is that people have to know how you treat your clients and prospects. They have to feel engaged and connected with you, your corporate vision, and your business morals and ethics. And this is where marketing comes in.

How do you communicate these critical components to your clients and prospects? Do you have a proper marketing strategy and structure in place? Do you follow through with your marketing plan? Do you obtain testimonials from satisfied customers, demonstrating that you can be trusted to do what you say you will do?

It doesn’t matter if economic times are tough or if you are flying high; the concepts and the principles remain the same continue to market your products and services and be sure to demonstrate your integrity and you will weather any storm.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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No, The Sky Is Not Falling! 5 Marketing Tips For Slow Times

marketing tips for slow times

What? Me worry?

Ok, I know the economic climate has changed out there. I know that oil prices are still low, companies are cutting back on their operating budgets, and people have been laid off.

But I refuse to take the “Chicken Little” approach.

Anyone who has been in business knows that there are economic cycles to every industry from time to time. So what I am suggesting is that this, too, shall pass.

Instead of focusing on the slower economic growth, look instead at the opportunities that this cycle can provide.

One of the first things that businesses seem to cut when revenues are tight is their marketing. Yes, you’ve heard it before, but it is the truth; when times are tough, you must keep marketing your products and services. You may have to adjust, you may have to adapt, but you must keep marketing.

Here are some tips to help you weather this current price slump and position you to do even better once prices recover:

1. Work on your client relationships. How strong are your relationships with your current clients? We all know that people prefer to do business with others who they like, know and trust. Are you that person to your clients? Have you developed a strong rapport with them? If so, you are already ahead of the game. If not, it’s time to take a look at how you build relationships now and for the future.

2. Become more visible. Don’t hide in your office waiting for prices to rebound. Your clients and prospects just might forget about you. Be sure to keep in touch with them and attend networking events. Stay visible!

3. Communicate in ways that allow you to capture business in the easiest way. Consider more email marketing to your existing clients and prospects. Be sure that your content is well written, and you may wish to present a compelling offer to those most loyal to your business.

4. Get noticed for free. Marketing does not have to cost money, although you do have to commit to spending some time. Do you use social media? Find out which online forums, message boards and blogs are relevant to your business and consider joining the discussions. You can also consider using social media methods such as video blogs, and social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Use these online methods to encourage conversation about you and your business, and showcase your products.

5. Finally, don’t believe everything you hear. Back to my original comment; don’t focus on the negative media attention. Lots of analysts have predicted terrible things, not just during this downturn, but over the course of many economic cycles, and few ever turn out as bad as predicted. How you look at things will play a huge role in how you weather this storm. True, it can be difficult to stay positive, but it is essential to stay focused on your goals.

One thing you can be sure of, the economy will continue to have its cycles. While business may be more challenging right now, stay focused, work smarter, and above all – keep marketing!

A variation of this article was originally published in the Oilfield Pulse Newsletter in February 2015.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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The Economics of Marketing

economics of marketing

Managing the economics of your marketing plans is extremely important.

Today’s article is going to be bit different than usual. Yesterday morning, when the stock markets opened, they all opened lower than they have for years. Although there was some recovery later in the day, they still all closed down, and the global economic uncertainty has many investors nervous. Some economists are claiming that we are in what they term a “shallow recession”.

Despite the bloodbath in the markets yesterday, retail forecasts are optimistic. Although no one is expecting huge growth, all indicators are implying that consumer confidence is not completely gone and people will continue to make purchases.

So given the economic news yesterday, I thought this would be a great opportunity to talk to you about how you react to economic uncertainty when planning the marketing strategy for your business.

It’s been proven time and again that most businesses get cold feet during an economic downturn, and respond by cutting their sales and marketing budgets. This, of course, is exactly the opposite of what they should be doing. Read more

Orange Is The New Blue???

Oil after the election

Huge political upset in Alberta – what does it mean for you?

By the time this article is published, the huge political upset in Alberta will be over a week old. No one forecast this outcome, least of all the governing Tories who allowed arrogance and their sense of entitlement to call an election more than a year before it was required. This decision has cost Albertans in many ways; first, for the election itself; secondly, for an immediate by-election that will now have to take place, since the former leader of the PC’s decided to take his marbles and go home after the stunning defeat; and thirdly, the cost (potentially) to the province economically, depending on what the new government decides to legislate over the course of the next 4 years.

The Premier-designate has stated publicly that she does not intend to bring sweeping changes to how things are done, and that she will work ‘collaboratively and in partnership’ with our oil industry. As one analyst stated, surely this Party will not be so foolish as to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Read more

It’s Déjà vu all over again!

oil boom and bust cycle

So says Yogi Berra!

Yogi Berra, a former American baseball player and member of Major League Baseball’s Hall of Fame, is well known for his many malapropisms. Even those of us who are too young to have heard them when they first left his lips are familiar with many of these memorable phrases.

And this one is certainly applicable to the cycles of boom and bust in the oil industry.

People are kind of funny; we seem to have a very limited memory of some less-than-pleasant events in our lives, which is probably a good thing. When times are good and things are moving forward, we all get caught up in the momentum and roll with it, never knowing how long it will last but enjoying the ride.

But just like every industry, there comes a time when things cool down. Basic economic theory teaches us that economies can’t exist in an environment of uncontrolled and unending growth. Every economy and every industry will go through a cycle of contraction and control.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. It gives those involved in the industry a chance to catch their breath, regroup and plan for the future.

Those who fear the contraction the most tend to be those who are the least prepared. These are the folks who have overextended themselves and have lost equity, and thus, value, in their business.

Others, who have grown in a more measured fashion are better prepared to weather the storm and come out of it in a position to benefit from the deals that will inevitably appear.

So how do you make sure that you are a survivor? And how do you position yourself to take advantage of the surfacing opportunities?

The following 5 tips will help guide you in the right direction.

1. Take stock of what you have. This includes people, materials, equipment, etc. Are you utilizing all of your assets to their full extent?

2. Continue networking with others in your field. Perhaps there are some items that are bogging you down in your business that you can trade or sell to others who generally need the same items as you do.

3. Do NOT stop marketing. Many businesses fall into the unfortunate trap of pulling back on their marketing efforts when things get tough. Marketing is seen to be an ‘optional’ spending area. But if you stop marketing, you disappear from view and have to pick up from ground zero when the economy improves. Rather than stopping marketing, make more judicious choices, ensuring that you are getting the most out of your reduced marketing budget. This is likely a good time to look at hiring the expertise of a marketing professional who can point you in the right direction.

4. Look for opportunities to create allegiances with others who provide complementary services. Word of mouth is, and always will be, a huge factor in obtaining business, since there is already a built-in element of trust. Strong allegiances can help ensure that you are getting business that would likely otherwise go to someone else.

5. Stop listening to every analyst and economist offering their two-cents worth on what’s happening. Or at least, take it with a grain of salt. Just a couple of months ago, scores of economists were forecasting a price per barrel free-fall to less than $30 per barrel; in some cases, even as low as $20 per barrel. Well, that didn’t happen, did it? And although we would all like a higher price than we are currently dealing with, relatively stability in the range of $50 is better than what they forecast.

We also all know that it is just a matter of time until this correction has run its course, the political obstacles are behind us, and the industry once again is sailing along. While we are waiting for this to happen, hold your head high, evaluate where you have been and where you want to be when the dust settles, and make sure you are marketing your business so you will be in a position to capitalize on the opportunities when they arise!

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

This article was published in the April 2015 issue of the Oilfield Pulse Newsletter.

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Yes, Oil and Gas Companies Need To Market Themselves Too!

oil and gas

It takes a certain type of person to be involved in the oil and gas industry.

One must be prepared to take the good and the bad, the booms and the busts.

It’s an exciting industry, and opportunities are as diverse as the people involved.

Like most of you reading this, I have been around the industry for many years. I have seen the booms and the busts. And also, like all of us, have lived with the economic consequences of both.

Back in the late 1970’s, when I was first exposed as an adult to the industry, business was done in the restaurants and bars of Calgary. Wineing and dining was taken to a whole new level, and when times were good, you could practically see the money flying around the rooms. Read more

5 Marketing Tips to Get You Through The Slump

marketing tips for economic downturn

What? Me worry?

Ok, I know the economic climate has changed out there. I know that oil prices have dropped, companies are cutting back on their operating budgets, and people have been laid off. Marketing during the economic slump can be difficult.

But I refuse to take the “Chicken Little” approach.

Anyone who has been in the patch for more than a few years – in fact anyone who has grown up or lived in Alberta – knows that there are swings in oil and gas prices. Sometimes, big swings!

And anyone in business knows that there are economic cycles to every industry from time to time.

So what I am suggesting is that this, too, shall pass.

Instead of focusing on the lower price of oil, look instead at the opportunities that this cycle can provide.

Does this mean that I am blind to what is happening out there? Of course not. Just like you, my business has been touched by this downturn – just as it has been in previous downturns. Yet, we survive. And in some cases, we thrive.

One of the first things that businesses seem to cut when revenues are tight is their marketing. Yes, you’ve heard it before, but it is the truth; when times are tough, you must keep marketing your products and services. You may have to adjust, you may have to adapt, but you must keep marketing.

Here are some tips to help you weather this current price slump and position you to do even better once prices recover:

1. Work on your client relationships. How strong are your relationships with your current clients? We all know that people prefer to do business with others who they like, know and trust. Are you that person to your clients? Have you developed a strong rapport with them? If so, you are already ahead of the game. If not, it’s time to take a look at how you build relationships now and for the future.

2. Become more visible. Don’t hide in your office waiting for prices to rebound. Your clients and prospects just might forget about you. Be sure to keep in touch with them and attend networking events. Stay visible!

3. Communicate in ways that allow you to capture business in the easiest way. Consider more email marketing to your existing clients and prospects. Be sure that your content is well written, and you may wish to present a compelling offer to those most loyal to your business.

4. Get noticed for free. Marketing does not have to cost money, although you do have to commit to spending some time. Do you use social media? Find out which online forums, message boards and blogs are relevant to your business and consider joining the discussions. You can also consider using social media methods such as video blogs, and social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Use these online methods to encourage conversation about you and your business, and showcase your products.

5. Finally, don’t believe everything you hear. Back to my original comment; don’t focus on the negative media attention. Lots of analysts have predicted terrible things, not just during this downturn, but over the course of many economic cycles, and few ever turn out as bad as predicted. How you look at things will play a huge role in how you weather this storm. True, it can be difficult to stay positive, but it is essential to stay focused on your goals.
One thing you can be sure of, the economy will continue to have its cycles. While business may be more challenging right now, stay focused, work smarter, and above all – keep marketing!

This article was published in the February 2015 issue of the Oilfield Pulse Newsletter.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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