How To Market Your Business: Strategy 5 – Advertising



Today marks the final video in our 5 part video series, “How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”. This final video talks about advertising your business.

Did you know that marketing is not the same thing as advertising?  Well, it’s not, despite the fact that those two words are used interchangeably all the time.

Watch our video and learn the difference between marketing and advertising, and how to determine what methods of advertising are most applicable to your business or marketing campaign.

Thanks for watching the series, and we look forward to sharing a new video series with you soon.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:


Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: Strategy Four – Building Trust

Trust the process

Building Trust.

Welcome back to our 5 part video series, “How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”.  The video we released today discusses the issue of building trust.

We all know that a person is behind every business front.  And we also all know that people do business with people they like, know and trust.  But how do you build that trust?  This video shares some simple, strategic ways to build trust, both online and offline.  Watch it to see how you can implement these techniques to help build trust in your business.

Unfortunately, we once again ran into some technological issues with our live-steam today.  As a result, our live event is missing some key information.  We worked to clean the video up, but, alas, no such luck!

So, now you have a choice – we have uploaded the full video to our other channel which we have placed into this post.  If you prefer to watch the live event, you can connect to our Corporate YouTube Channel here – but be warned: you’ll miss some tips!

We are hoping our technical issues will be fixed by Thursday when we will be finishing this video series.

Meanwhile, please watch our video event to get lots of great information about building trust for your business.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:


Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: Strategy Three – Social Media

Social media

Social Media.

In our video today, we are discussing the impact of social media and how it can influence your clients and prospects.

Social media sites have been around for a long time now, and the number of them as options has exploded. However, there are still only a few major channels that are the most popular and garner the most activity. It is important that your take advantage of those channels that are most appropriate for your business model and that will attract more of your business clients and prospect.

See what other information we share with you about using this avenue as a marketing tool for your business.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: Strategy Two – Networking



Today we are presenting the second strategy in our latest video series, “How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”.

As you can see from the title of the video, we are discussing the importance of networking.  Are you currently networking?  And what, exactly, does that mean?  Doesn’t it take a lot of time and effort?

Well, if you aren’t already networking, you should definitely start!  It doesn’t have to take a lot of time and effort.  Integrate it into things you are already doing on both a personal and professional level.

The most important thing is to be genuine.  Networking is really about helping to build those relationships with others; to create trust and a feeling of ease with those with whom you are interacting.

So watch our video to see how easy, yet crucial, it is to network.  And, after watching the video, please consider sharing this post with your network.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: Strategy One – Branding

Branding your business.

Ahhh, the wonderful advantages of technology!  It makes our lives so much easier.  It opens the door to obtain knowledge from around the globe.  It allows for interactions between people from all countries and all walks of life.

That is, when it works!

So, as you can see, this post is a day later than expected.  This week was set to be our launch for our newest video series, “How to Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies that are easy to implement.”  But our live-streaming technology has run into some glitches this week that have resulted in a delayed event and, therefore, a delayed posting.

Another result of these technical issues is that the two videos that were live-streamed do have some ‘jittering’.  Luckily, there is nothing of substance missing in the jittering, and we are working on cleaning them up to repost, most likely on our other channel which you can connect to via our Corporate YouTube Channel.

Our tech has been working diligently to resolve these issues and we think we now have the magic formula that will make the remainder of this series (and all future events) go forward without any of these issues.

Meanwhile, please watch our video live event to get lots of great information about how and why you need to brand your business – and what a brand really is!

 Watch Our Video Now, or watch on YouTube:

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies

Market your business

Welcome to our latest video series:” How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”.

It had been our intention to get this live-streamed yesterday, but we all know what can happen with technology. And tech glitches right after a long weekend… well, we know how that goes!

Regardless of the delay, here is the introduction to our latest video series. This series will be run each Tuesday and Thursday, so keep watching for updates. Watch to learn how to implement 5 easy strategies and increase your marketing results.

Watch our Video Now, or watch on YouTube:

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Orange Is The New Blue???

Oil after the election

Huge political upset in Alberta – what does it mean for you?

By the time this article is published, the huge political upset in Alberta will be over a week old. No one forecast this outcome, least of all the governing Tories who allowed arrogance and their sense of entitlement to call an election more than a year before it was required. This decision has cost Albertans in many ways; first, for the election itself; secondly, for an immediate by-election that will now have to take place, since the former leader of the PC’s decided to take his marbles and go home after the stunning defeat; and thirdly, the cost (potentially) to the province economically, depending on what the new government decides to legislate over the course of the next 4 years.

The Premier-designate has stated publicly that she does not intend to bring sweeping changes to how things are done, and that she will work ‘collaboratively and in partnership’ with our oil industry. As one analyst stated, surely this Party will not be so foolish as to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Read more

Promoting Your Business When Things Are Slow: Our Baker’s Dozen

Thirteen tips to improve your business

Consider the following 13 tips to get yourself and your business in front of new prospects.

Every business has cycles, and when business is slow, sometimes we have to look at other ways to get in front of business prospects. So don’t just sit there and stare at your computer screen. Try some of these proven methods to gain more clients.

1. Teach what you know.

One of the best things you can do to give your company a boost is to become a teacher. This doesn’t have to be formal teaching at a college or continuing education program, although that is always an option. Consider holding lunch and learns, or hold a meeting at a community center.

2. Reach out to affinity markets.

This is just a fancy way of saying to look into those areas where you share interests. For instance, do you have a favorite hobby, or expertise in an industry from your past? These areas make excellent targets. See if they have publications you can write for or advertise in, and attend networking functions. Become the expert in their niche.

3. Write, write, and write some more.

If you aren’t already writing articles, get busy. Submit articles to local newspapers and community newsletters. Write for trade journals within your niche. Post interesting and educational material on your website. The more you are seen, the more you gain credibility.

4. Become a speaker.

Offer to speak about your area of specialty to local associations and business organizations. You can also host your own speaking events by inviting a group of people to attend. Or consider offering to speak to a group that someone else hosts.

5. Launch a newsletter.

A weekly or monthly email update can generate lots of interest and inquiries. Start your own, paying attention to anti-spam laws.

6. Issue Press releases.

Consider sending out a press release whenever you have something noteworthy to state. This can be a very effective way to get some great PR.

7. Use PowerPoint presentations.

PowerPoint is an easy program to learn. You don’t have to be a master to create a presentation that can be shared online or saved on a CD and mailed to clients and prospects.

8. Participate on a radio show.

Find a local radio show that is looking for guests to speak about different topics. Call the program coordinator and see if there is an opportunity to speak about your area of specialty from time to time.

9. Sponsor an event.

If you have a hobby like golf, biking, running, etc., you can find lots of opportunities to sponsor events. Prizes, gifts, cash support – all of these will provide lots of opportunities to boost your businesses. Plus, participating in this fashion reflects positively in the community.

10. Conduct surveys.

Take your cold calling to another level by introducing a survey. Don’t make it too big or too complex; three simple questions can help you build your business. Offer to share the results of the survey by email. This also helps to build your newsletter/email list that allows you to keep in touch with clients and prospects.

11. Clipping can help your business.

Keep your eye on newspapers and trade journals for news about those whose business you would like to attract. When you find something, clip the article and send it to them along with a note of congratulations. Sure to get their attentions!

12. Social Networks.

Remember that a lot of business is now conducted online as well. Create a couple appropriate social networks and monitor your connections. As in the previous point, be sure to reach out to your connections whenever anything noteworthy happens to them.

13. Online forums.

Consider participating in a couple of online forums targeted to your niche. These offer a great opportunity for you to demonstrate your expertise, as well as to provide information to others. By giving, we truly do end up receiving!

So there you have it – our baker’s dozen for you to try out. When business gets slow, you don’t have to wait for things to turn around. Take control, implement some of these tips and your business will continue to grow.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How to Make Your Website More User Friendly in 3 Easy Steps

web design

There is no arguing that a website is a must for your business.

But if your website isn’t user friendly and is not engaging visitors, you’re wasting your efforts.

Creating and maintaining a site that is pleasing to your visitors will greatly enhance your business by appealing to your existing clients and attracting more business prospects, eventually enhancing your bottom line.

Follow these 3 steps and you should be well on your way to providing a website that is attractive and engaging for your visitors.

1. Keep your content concise, paying close attention to it’s readability.

Content is the biggest influence on visitors to your website. By providing content on a regular basis that is current and easy to read, you are not only making your site more user friendly, but you are also more likely to have your visitors return and share information.

Make sure that your content is easy to peruse. Most internet users scan content rather than reading all of it. Formatting your content by keeping the paragraphs short, using tables or columns will assist in the readability factor. Breaking up text through the use of bullet points, headings and sub-headings will also make it easier for your visitors to find the key points of your message.

Ensuring that your content is provided in a visually pleasing manner will also improve the visitors’ engagement. Watch for things like finding the right contrast between your site and the content. Don’t let the background color overpower the content.

Also pay close attention to white space. Too little, and you risk ‘tiring’ your visitor and they will simply leave your site without reading your message.

Improper font usage is another error that can cause subliminal fatigue in your visitors. Keep your fonts clean and easy to read, and note that san serif fonts are easier to read online, while serif fonts are more appropriate for printed materials. Avoid using more than 2 or 3 fonts per design, using highlighted or bold keywords or links instead.

While we are on the subject of links, be sure to test all your links to ensure that they are working. Broken links are not only confusing but are also unprofessional, making a negative impression and lowering the credibility of the content you worked so hard to provide. Review your links from time to time to make sure that they have not broken and continue to point to the appropriate pages.

2. Make navigating your site simple.

This simple step is one of the easiest and best things you can do to improve the appeal of your site. Creating navigation that is clear and clutter-free makes it easier for your visitors to find information and they are therefore more likely to dig deeper into your site. Limit the number of menu items as much as you can, while still ensuring that visitors can find salient information.

When looking to improve navigation, check your layout first. If the layout is cluttered or confusing, you will lose visitors. You can highlight specific pages to make them more visible, or include a call-to-action at the top of the site.

Also, the placement of the navigation menus are very important, so be strategic. The best place for the menu is either at the top or the left-hand side of your site. Regardless of which of these 2 choices you use, be sure that the navigation is above the fold – keeping in mind the use of mobile devices as well.

3. Be sure your site loads quickly.

The online experience has impacted our attention spans. More and more, visitors are looking to get information quickly, and are impatient with websites with long load times. Don’t risk losing potential business simply because your site takes too long to come up! Your site should ideally load within 4 – 6 seconds. Besides that, long load times also negatively impact search rankings.

Some of the things that slow down your site’s speed are large videos, photos, and flash files. Although multimedia elements can certainly engage a visitor, they take a long time to load, and you risk losing the visitor before they ever get to it. Consider minimizing the use of these elements on your site, and opt to link to them externally from within your site.

When you do use images on your site (and, of course, you should have some visual elements!) compress them for web use and be sure to use the right file type.

Following these pointers will help you keep your site user-friendly and ensure that people come back – as well as share your site with their friends. Your attention to your website is the difference between a ‘so what’ experience for you visitors and a ‘what’s next’ reaction. By taking the time and a little effort, you can achieve great results from your site, turning it into a powerful promoter of your business.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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The Challenge of Time Management: 7 Tips To Help…

time management

Time Management…

In order to be efficient in your business, mastering time management is essential. It can be difficult to establish and follow good time management skills, but by creating few simple habits, you can conquer this challenge and become more proficient and more profitable in your business.

Of course, sometimes disruptions arise that can’t be avoided. But following the tips listed below should help you gain control of your time:

1. Keep Track of Your Time:

Do you know how your time is currently being used? If you don’t know how you are managing your time now, you won’t know where and how to better utilize it. Track your time for about 2 weeks, keeping to your usual routine, including everything you do in your day from start to finish. Read more
