5 Ways For Using Reviews as Marketing Content!

reviews as marketing content

Have you ever thought about using your reviews as marketing content?

If you are struggling with coming up with content for your marketing, then look no further than your online reviews.

Your reviews can be a source of inspiration. Using your reviews as marketing content can help promote your reputation, which in turn helps you to gain the trust and loyalty of your customers.

Here are five tips to start using today:

1. Write a backstory of a review to showcase your values, feature an employee, and to appreciate the customer.

Gain the trust of your target audience by showcasing your values, featuring employees and appreciating the customer.
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5 Ways You Can Use Reviews as Marketing Content!

online reviews as content

Using your online reviews is a legit way to create content!

Are you struggling with coming up with content for your marketing? If so, look no further than your reviews.

Your reviews can be a source of inspiration. Using your reviews as marketing content can help promote your reputation, which in turn helps you to gain the trust and loyalty of your customers.

Here are five tips you can use today:

1. Write a backstory of a review to showcase your values, feature an employee, and to appreciate the customer.

Gain the trust of your target audience by showcasing your values, featuring employees and appreciating the customer.

2. Create a storyline around a sequence of reviews and publish it as an article

Storytelling is a great way to get the attention of potential customers. Formulate stories that are relatable and attracting to your target audience. Leave your audience wanting more of your company.

3. Create videos based on your reviews

Create short videos thanking your customers for their positive reviews.

4. Post your positive reviews on your website

Feature your positive reviews on the front page of your website.

5. Post your positive reviews on social media

Post your positive reviews on social media for everyone to see.

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Ways to Grow Your Business through Storytelling


Get the attention of your audience through unique and authentic storytelling!

“A story can cross the barriers of time – past, present, future – and allows us to experience the similarities between ourselves and through others,” says Andrew Stanton, a filmmaker at Pixar.

Customers are looking for something that is unique and relatable to them and storytelling is an age-old method that allows businesses to relate to potential buyers.

Here are 3 elements of storytelling that can help turn the mundane into something of great appeal:

Emotion. Take your customer back to those times they will never forget with emotional appeals, such as sympathy, envy, or intrigue. Move them through from one emotional state to another as the narrative unfolds. This only intensifies their connection with your product and brand.

Authenticity. Be honest. Speak truth and life about the brand and the audience it is speaking to. This will grab their attention while also creating a reputation for your brand.

Relatability. Make a connection to your audience. Do your research on who you are targeting. Appeal to your audience through situations they have also experienced, and also challenges they have overcome.

Use these strategies to make a connection with your audience:

  • Make Your Story Centered around their Situation and Needs
  • Make People Feel a Part of the Story Experience
  • Listen & Create a Relevant Context
  • Showcase Your Values

You’ll know you have made an effective connection is when your message was absorbed deep in their hearts and minds.

Find out more about how to become an effective storyteller for your business!

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Is Blogging Dead?


Is blogging still relevant?

Yes, and here’s why.

Do you remember when the concept of blogs first started? Well, I sure do.

Back then, I remember the arguments for and against blogging. The pro-camp thought it was a great way to share ideas and content, even though content marketing was a foreign phrase. The naysayers believed that nobody would care what others had to say, and thought that blogging was simply a platform to boost one’s own ego.

Last week, a colleague of mine stated unequivocally that blogging was dead – at least for most industries – given the immense focus on various social media platforms. But I respectfully disagree with my colleague, and here’s three reasons why.

1. Blogs remain on your website.

In most cases, the main purpose of using social media is to drive traffic to your website. Of course there are exceptions to this, but most industries use social media as a source to drive their inbound marketing. You can also post your website content on your social media sites, ensuring that there are outbound links and lots of opportunities for prospects to find you.

By blogging regularly, you are providing new material to your followers, eventually creating a loyal audience and beginning to build online trust. Blogging also provides a virtual “library” of curated content that your audience can reference back to. Over time, this will increase the likelihood that people will use your products or services, as well as increase the amount of time visitors are staying and engaging on your website.

2. Long-form content.

As the use of social media has exploded over recent years, people have become used to seeing and reading the equivalent of “soundbites”. Twitter used to limit you to 140 characters with which to express yourself. Instagram is all about capturing the attention of your audience by using an image. And as for Facebook and LinkedIn, well, most people simply aren’t going to read anything longer than about four sentences.

Enter blogging. By creating a blog, you are able to take subjects and musings and expand on them. As a business, it simply makes sense to have an outlet and a repository to place more detailed content. Your readers will start to expect your content after you’ve been blogging for a while.  In fact, in my own case, website statistics demonstrate that the days that I blog have significantly more traffic than other days.

3. Search engine optimization

Once upon a time, SEO marketers would most likely have relied on tactics like keyword stuffing on your website to boost your rankings. But that landscape has changed.

Most of us are aware that Google continues to change their algorithm regularly in and attempt to head off black hat SEO tactics, and the best way to achieve good rankings is through publishing original, relevant content.

And what’s the best way to do that? Well, doesn’t it make sense to blog about content that is relevant and engaging to your audience and to share it through your website?

So if this article has inspired you to revive your blogging efforts, or even to just start blogging, remember that you will be rewarded for your efforts. Engage your audience by providing content that matters to them, ask questions when and where appropriate, and be sure to include a call to action at the end of your post asking your audience to share.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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10 Secrets For Forum Marketing

Forum Marketing

Does forum marketing really work?

Well, it does if it done properly.

We are all familiar with the concept of forum marketing. Sharing your content over a number of forums helps gain traffic, leads and conversions. But it has to be done properly.

Simply put, forum marketing is a type of content marketing that focuses on specific subjects.  The people who join a particular forum often do so, so they can get access to more detailed information about a given subject. This allows an opportunity for brands to tap into these groups and grow their online community.

The following six points can help you use forum marketing to help grow your small business.

  • Find where your customers are engaged. The easiest way to do this is do a keyword search on topics of interest to your clients.
  • Join the forum as an individual, not as your business.  People like to engage on these forums with other people, even though you will be able to promote your business on the forum
  • Read the rules!  Most forums have some strict rules around promotion, so make sure you are coloring inside the lines so you don’t have your posts removed – or aren’t banned.
  • Complete your profile.  You can usually put in information including social and website links. But don’t go overboard.  Think of a couple of lines – an elevator pitch – that describe you do.
  • Add a signature.  Depending on the forum, having a signature may be tied to how long you have been in the forum.  Follow the rules and try to stay consistent with the “theme” that others are using.
  • Add value to the forum.  Don’t use it for blatant self-promotion.  Engage in discussions and give some insights to other forum members.

Download our complementary guide for more ideas.

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Understanding Analytics – Part 1

Bounce Rate

What’s a bounce rate? Do you know what your analytics mean?

Here’s how to interpret them.

We all know about online analytics. We know that these tools are designed to tell us about how well our websites and social media profiles are performing. But some of this data is a bit obscure to many of us, and we don’t understand the value of it.

To that end, we have developed a short 5 part video series that explains some of the more common analytics.

Watch today’s video to see Part 1 and learn about bounce rates.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Creating Effective Content

creating effective content

How effective is your content?

After all, that’s the key to building trust online.

By now, most of us recognise the importance of content marketing. But just throwing any old thing up is not going to add value to your business.

It’s important to share content with your prospect and clients that will help build trust and loyalty, so make sure that your content is effective. And the first step to doing that, is to understand how to create it.

Check out these 5 tips to developing content that is effective and engaging.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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6 Ways To Improve Your Content Marketing

improve your content marketing

Content is king, right?

Well, yes and no.

Content marketing has been one of the buzz words for better conversions for quite a while now. Of course, new phrasing doesn’t change a tried and true method of promoting your business.

Providing content to your clients and prospects has always been important; it has just evolved to a different level with the internet and digital communications. But as the internet has grown, so have the number of businesses, all vying for their market share and driving prospects to their site. So how do you get noticed?

Here are 6 questions to ask that will improve your content marketing results.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube


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Content Marketing Truths Revealed

content marketing truths

Content is king!

We all know that, right?

While it’s true that content is king, there are some myths and half-truths about how to integrate content into your marketing. SEO has changed, sometimes backlinks can hurt you, and if you tend to plagiarizer content – well, you’ll be found out!

Are you ready to learn the truth about content marketing?

Watch today’s explainer video as we reveal the truths about content marketing.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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