It’s Not About You!

It’s Not About You!

Today, I want to address again the issue of engaging with your clients and prospects.

It doesn’t matter whether you provide a product or a service, we all know that the secret to engaging prospects and turning those prospects into customers is to resolve an issue that they have. After all, the only reason any of us purchased anything is because it satisfies a want, a need, or removes a pain point.

And, of course, marketing your product or service is the only way that prospects and clients can learn about what it is that you do that will help them attain their want, need, or remove their pain point. Unfortunately, sometimes the wheels come off the marketing train and we forget that marketing isn’t about us, it’s about them!

Sometimes, when developing a marketing plan, business owners lose sight of the actual intent of the marketing program. They become focused on demonstrating their expertise and their credibility within their niche, and forget that the goal of marketing is to obtain prospects and, ultimately, converting those prospects into loyal customers. Read more

Are Marketers Getting A Bad Rap?


Today, I want to address the issue of the reputation that many marketers are getting.

This is a completely different article than the one that I had intended to write today, but sometimes circumstances change and other issues arise that should be addressed in a timely fashion.

I actually took a few days off work last week and went on a mini vacation to a family member’s trailer, which is located at a lake in beautiful British Columbia. For those of you who don’t know, many parts of Western Canada are experiencing drought-like conditions, and B. C. is one of the hardest hit regions so they’ve been experiencing very little precipitation and very hot temperatures. While I am concerned about the effects of the drought, I must admit that I am a fan of hot weather.

One evening after dinner, I took a walk down to the beach and found a nice sunny spot to sit. The beach was mostly deserted and, aside from myself, there was a woman, her two children, and her dog. She introduced herself to me, and it turns out that she’s the owner of the resort where my brother and his wife keep their trailer. In the course of our conversation, she asked me what I did for living. I told her that I provide marketing strategies and public relations work. She laughed and said that’s what her husband does, but he always said not to tell anybody. He works for a large hotel group and travels around the world as their marketing manager, but told his wife to tell people that his job is to fill hotel rooms, and not mention that he’s a marketer. She said that he’s embarrassed about being lumped in with marketers.

Unfortunately, this is something I can identify with. Although there are many, many very good, honest, trustworthy people who are marketers, the industry has changed with the popularity of online marketing. This has opened the door to some folks who have less integrity and are satisfied to provide “drive-by marketing”, promising unrealistic results to unsuspecting business owners, and not caring about the outcome because they’ve already moved on to their next victim.

Now this isn’t to say that there were unscrupulous marketers prior to Internet marketing, or that all online marketers are dishonest. But the fact is that a lot of business is transacted online, without personal interaction of any depth, providing the opportunity for business owners who are looking for quick results at little cost, to be taken advantage of. This leaves them suspicious of honest marketers who care about their reputation and have a vested interest in ensuring that their clients are satisfied with their services.

So just like lawyers, used-car salesman, an insurance salesman, marketers have to live with the reality that their profession is often viewed with a bit of skepticism. It is up to us, as marketers, to ensure that we act with honor and integrity in all of our business dealings, and keep the lines of communications open to all of our prospects and clients.

And what can business owners do to help themselves and avoid making poor choices? Well, it’s really quite simple.

First of all, talk to more than one company or marketing person. Find out about their various strengths and weaknesses and asked for testimonials.

Find out what their process is, and how they communicate it. Beware of offers that seem too good to be true; believe me, they are!

Also, pay attention to how you communicate with the marketer. Relationships, even virtual relationships, should be based on open communication. You should get a feel after a few conversations with the marketer about just how well you will be able to work together.

Finally be sure to be clear about the scope of the project and the expectations, and cover this off in an agreement. If applicable, set specific measurables to be achieved at certain points in the project, with an exit clause for both parties if things aren’t working out.

Until next time…

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The Problem With Ad-Hoc Marketing

ad hoc marketing

Avoid ad-hoc marketing at all costs!

Many business owners believe that marketing is a relatively simple exercise and something that they can manage on their own, for the most part. They may wish to change some elements or some content on their website. Or, they may look to design a brochure to be delivered to prospects. Or, they may look at reworking or putting together any other kind of a marketing campaign, plan, or promotion with the intention of enhancing their business.

And there is nothing wrong with a business owner managing their own marketing. That is, as long as they understand that each individual piece of a promotional undertaking is actually an underlying element of a bigger plan.

This past week I was approached by a prospect who was looking to change up his corporate website. He had spent a lot of money and a lot of time on what became four different variations of the website, and still had not managed to get what he wanted. The various marketing companies that had been hired had been either unwilling or unable to understand the ultimate goal of the business owner in articulating his vision and the brand of his business.

When this prospect approached me, he was understandably very frustrated. He was looking for someone to rewrite the content of his website in a way that would be more appealing to his target audience. As I explained to him, if he was simply looking for a copywriter he could hire anyone of a number of people who would be happy to simply fill his pages with content.

I explained to him that although this might be a quick fix, it was unlikely that he would end up satisfied with the final product for the long-term, and that he would most likely end up having to do yet another redesign and remake of his website.

Which leads me to the reason for this article today.

The unfortunate trap that many business owners fall into when attempting to either do their own marketing or to approach their marketing on an ad hoc basis, is that there is a lack of the synergy between the different elements of their marketing efforts. Each piece of the advertising and promotional pieces that make up a marketing plan and marketing campaigns is a piece of a bigger puzzle. Consider what would happen if you took one piece from five different puzzles and tried to make each of those pieces fit in a different puzzle. It wouldn’t be very pretty, and it certainly wouldn’t have the results you would hope for!

So, once again I come back to explaining the reality that there is a science to marketing. As a marketing strategist, it is my role to help the business owner see the complete picture and understand how all of the pieces fit together. In the example that I have provided above, I explained to the business owner that for him to end up satisfied with the website that would serve his company’s interests for the next 3 to 5 years, it is imperative to understand and to develop a marketing strategy that encompasses both his immediate and long-term goals, and how best to apply this in order to attract the proper prospects and retain his current clients.

Creating a proper marketing strategy is building the foundation of your communication and promotional efforts. This blueprint creates the framework and gives the guidance to move your business forward in a structured and measurable fashion, providing the results you hope to achieve. Therefore, try to avoid Band-Aid marketing solutions or quick fixes if you are hoping to obtain positive measurable results.

Until next time…

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What’s Up With Email Marketing?


Everyone is familiar with the concept of email marketing.

Of course, the definition of email marketing is using email to promote, sell, teach, or otherwise engage your clients and prospects. Over the past several years, using email as a marketing tool has become increasingly popular. This is because it is a relatively inexpensive way to keep your product or service uppermost in the mind of your prospects, increase repetition of visits from your existing customers, and interact with many people at one time.

However, the increased popularity of email marketing has created a double edge sword. Along with the growth in email marketing came a massive increase in email spam. Inboxes have become flooded with the digital equivalent of junk mail. And some of this junk mail isn’t innocuous, but contains viruses and Trojans. This enormous increase in spamming has resulted in the passing of antispam legislation in North America; Canspam in the US, and CASL in Canada.

Antispam legislation has impacted how email marketing is operated. A couple of examples of this are; marketing emails must clearly delineate that they are for marketing purposes, they must go to a targeted audience, and recipients of marketing emails must have opted in to become part of your email list.

But these changes have not eliminated the potential of using email marketing. There are still several valid ways to integrate email marketing into your overall marketing plan.

Of course, for any type of online purchase or e-commerce transaction, email is vital. For the purposes of online purchases, email serves as a confirmation of purchase and provides the purchaser with a receipt.

In many cases, businesses will offer e-books or white papers to encourage people to join their email list. This is sometimes referred to as an “ethical bribe”, and is very commonly used as a way to increase a company’s list of prospects while giving something of value in return to the person for providing their name and email information.

Informational emails are also very common. They often take the form of an eNewsletter, and are generally sent on a regular basis such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. The purpose of these newsletters is to continue to keep your clients and prospects engaged and informed of happenings within your business. They can provide reviews of what the company has been doing as well as updates of what to expect in the future. If you are providing a newsletter to your clients and prospects, it is important to be sure to provide opportunities within the email for them to share the information via social media channels or by email. This can help to grow your list of prospects.

There are several email service providers, such as MailChimp, Aweber, Get Response, etc., and it is very beneficial to utilize one of these services for your email marketing requirements. They allow you to segregate your clients and prospects into various lists, permitting you to target your offerings. They also allow you to run campaigns and will provide you with statistics, as well as A/B testing to see what is working best in your email marketing. Templates are available within these applications as well, which enables you to design an email that is consistent with your brand.

Getting people to join your email list is becoming more and more difficult. Visitors to your website are digitally inundated with offers of e-books, white papers and various other ethical bribes, and are becoming weary of that approach. But by providing something of value for joining your list, and continuing to provide quality information on your website, you can continue to attract subscribers.

Be respectful of your subscribers and be sure to protect their privacy, and you will build a loyal following.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Using Live Streaming To Help Grow Your Business


Use live streaming to enhance your marketing.

Today I want to address the issue of using live streaming apps to help enhance your marketing and grow your business. I know that there are many early adopters out there who are already very familiar with using live stream, but this is something that is relatively new to me and something I have not yet tried out. However, recognizing that this tool has many advantages, I have taken some time this week to do some research to learn about this technology and how it works.

From my research, it appears as though there are two main contenders in the live streaming field at this point; Meerkat and Periscope. Both have pros and cons and share many characteristics, but it seems as though Periscope is winning the war. This is likely because periscope is owned by Twitter. Because Periscope is gaining ground, it is the application I will be trying out in the future, so therefore, is the focus of this article.

So just what is live streaming?

Read more

The Secret Sauce To Engaging Your Audience

engage your audience

How to engage your audience – not as hard as you might think…

Well folks, I try to provide quality tips and marketing information every Tuesday and Thursday to post on our Articles and Posts Page. And, to be perfectly honest, sometimes I struggle with the content. This is because I don’t just want to fill space, but I want to make sure that I am providing you with something that will be beneficial to you in your own business.  I like to engage my audience.

I’ve written about many topics over the course of the last several months and it is my intention to ensure that I am providing you with information that is timely, effective, and relevant. I want to provide you with new information and not just rehash the same old messages.

Which brings me to today.

I started the day by reflecting on what I have posted over the past several weeks, and I realized that, although I’ve given many tips and strategies about various elements of the science of marketing, including ideas about how to use video and various other marketing tools, I really haven’t addressed the topic of content in very much detail.

But I didn’t just want to talk about the usual aspects of content marketing. I didn’t want to talk about keyword optimization. I didn’t want to talk about guest blogging. I didn’t want to talk about syndication. All of these are important elements of content marketing, and I likely will address these in future posts. However, to me, the most important element about engaging your clients and prospects through your content is to be compelling.

So, are you ready to learn exactly what the secret sauce is to engaging your audience?

It’s not really that much of a surprise. In fact, it’s actually pretty simple.

It’s called telling a story.

When we are trying to tell our point of view, or teach something, or share something with our clients, our prospects and our readers, we want to capture their imagination. The best way to do this is by telling a story.

Since the early days of man, storytelling has been part of our culture. Look at the cave paintings of our far distant ancestors. Reflect on the history that are taught by archaeologists of how our indigenous people would sit around a campfire and relate the stories of things like hunting and traveling and setting up camp. These were times of celebration; of sharing and of ensuring that the stories would be carried on from generation to generation to generation. Of course, this was before we had invented a way to write an alphabet of some sort, and communicate through the written word. And, although the written word makes it easier to ensure that stories are passed on for generations are not lost over time, we still must ensure that these words are delivered in a way that is compelling, compassionate and interesting to keep our audience engaged.

Let me give you an example of how storytelling can help engage audience rather than just simply relating the facts.

If I was to tell you that I found a way of creating a following on Twitter that would enable you to increase traffic to your website, and capture the attention of more potential business, that tells you a reality of exercising a certain marketing technique.

Now, if I was to tell you that at the beginning of July, I employed a method that enabled me to increase the traffic on my website by 800% through simple technique on Twitter, would that capture your attention? If I was to tell you that I engaged personally with every person who followed me on my Twitter account, responded to direct messages, thanked people for mentions, retweeted information that was relevant to my followers, and made a point of personally engaging with some of these people, not just on Twitter but also on LinkedIn on Facebook, would that paint a bit of a better picture than simply saying that creating a following on Twitter could increase traffic to your website?

Both stories have the same ultimate message. The difference between the two is that the first simply states the facts, while the second speaks more personally about some of the things I did, making it relatable to my audience.

So don’t be afraid to use examples when you’re communicating with your clients and prospects. Everybody has a story to tell, and everybody understands some aspect of everybody else’s story. Telling a story humanizes your article. It helps make your message more relatable, and resonates better with your clients and prospects. It changes your message from that of a clinical approach to a personable, friendly piece of information that helps build trust, familiarity and engagement.

Until next time…

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7 Mistakes Consultants Should Avoid Making With Clients


Don’t make these mistakes with your clients.

In our last article, we discussed the 7 things clients should avoid doing when working with consultants. But, as we pointed out, there are 2 sides to every story (at least), and consultants can also create problems with their client relationships.

So, in the belief of balance and fairness for all, we now will address those things that consultants should avoid doing with working with their clients.

7 mistakes that consultants should avoid doing that can interfere with a good working relationship:

1. Not being realistic about timelines.

One of the worst things that a consultant can do is to give unrealistic timelines on delivering their product or service to their client. Sometimes a client might want delivery in a timeframe that can’t be met; sometimes a consultant will promise a timeframe that is a stretch in order to get the job.

Regardless of how this circumstance arises, no one is doing either side a favor by promising to deliver something in an unrealistic timeframe. Something will suffer. Creating a timeline that can’t be met and requires an extension only serves to create tension and mistrust between the parties.

2. Not being clear on expectations from the client.

It is vital to establish expectations right at the beginning of any project. Of course, sometimes things will come up as you work through a project that weren’t identified at the outset, and will need to be included as you proceed. But there is nothing worse than being unclear about what deliverables you need from your client in order to deliver a quality product or service. Keep the lines of communication open so that each side understands what is needed to accomplish the common goal.

3. Not giving the client enough warning to provide information and materials.

This was an issue that was identified in our previous article, and it is equally applicable here. Most times, consultants need to have information and materials from their clients in order to proceed on the project, and not having these items in a specific amount of time results in delays and frustration on both sides. Be sure to give your clients a list of information and materials you require and when you need them. Communicate via email and telephone regularly to make sure that the project is not being unduly held up.

4. Making changes to the plan without client interaction and approval.

As stated in our previous article, as projects move forward they often need adaptation and refinement. When this circumstance arises, be sure that to bring the client into the discussion about how and why things might need to be changed. This ensures that there are no surprises on you client’s part, and gives you an opportunity to explain why any changes might be required to enhance the final product.

5. Not being available to the client.

The single most important thing in your relationships is open communication. I don’t care if we are talking about your friends, family, or clients, communicating with each other is the key to success.

So make sure that you are available to your client. Of course, there are times that you won’t be immediately available, but make sure that they know that you will get back to them within a specific time frame. Encourage them to leave detailed voice messages if they are calling and to communicate via email so that you know how critical the response time is.

6. Giving an unrealistic budget.

Sometimes, a consultant might low-ball the cost of a project in order to obtain the job. This is a big mistake on many levels.

First of all, you will establish yourself and your reputation based on price, not quality of work. This is a dangerous area to play in, as nearly always, someone will come in lower.

The second issue is that you most likely will not be able to produce the product or service at the lower price, which puts you in the position of either having to eat the loss or go back to your client for more money. You won’t be in business long if you continually lose money, but even more importantly, you will lose the trust and respect of your client, which can have far-reaching effects on your reputation.

7. Not establishing a payment schedule with your client and billing regularly.

Part of the initial discussions about a job should always include how much the job will cost and what the payment schedule will be. This should be formalized in the agreement. Once the project is moving ahead, be sure to adhere to the schedule that was agreed to and send your billings out in accordance with this agreement. This allows your client to integrate your billings into their systems, ensuring that payments are made on time and removing the potential of collection issues and cash flow.

The common thread in both these articles, and in all these mistakes, is communication. If you are communicating with your client and your client is communicating with you, most of these issues can be avoided – or at least minimized!

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Use Video For Lead Generation

video marketing

Are you using video yet?

When people think of using video in their marketing, they often dismiss it because they think it has to be flashy or funny or expensive to produce.

Nothing could be further from the truth! As explained in our previous post, creating a video can be as easy as capturing something on your smartphone and uploading it to social media, YouTube, or your website.

And video is becoming an outstanding tool for lead generation. With the use of things such as email gateways and calls to action, this format is quickly becoming an essential part of your marketing and lead generation arsenal.

Let’s take a look at how video can help you with lead generation.

1. In-Video Gating

Gating is not a new concept. I am sure we are all familiar with being asked for lead information prior to obtaining something of value. For instance, many businesses will ask for an email address prior to releasing a white-paper or an eBook. In fact, we do this ourselves. In order to get our Business Evaluation, we ask for information to add subscribers to our newsletter. Generally, in-video gating is used the same way as text-based gating like in my example, and is used to obtain contact information before a video can be watched.

Some gateways are very simple, asking only for an email address, while other are more complex and ask for name, company, email and phone number, etc. Regardless of the information gathered, the concept is the same; a visitor to your site/landing page who was previously a stranger has now become a known, viable and valuable prospect. By obtaining this information, you now have permission to engage them in a conversation through email or an actual sales call.

2. Calls-To-Action (CTA’s)

Just like in video gating, you are most likely familiar with CTA’s. In fact, it is probable that you are already using them on your website.

CTA’s are used based on the concept that ‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get’.

Using CTA’s for video is no different than using them on your website. If you simply load your video and allow it to fade to black without at least asking your viewer to interact, you are missing an opportunity. If a viewer has watched your video to the end, capturing that interest and directing them to your site or an offer only makes sense. Typically, video CTA’s come in three forms:

A) Annotations:

An annotation is a method of adding text and links to your videos on YouTube. You can create these annotations to appear at any point during your video, and you can determine how long it stays on the video. Annotations are great to get people to subscribe to your channel, other video content, or link them back to your website.

B) Pop-Out CTA’s:

Because annotations are limited in design capabilities, you may wish to use a pop-out CTA or embed a form to encourage engagement and to collect contact information.

C) End of Video CTA:

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to allow your video to simply fade to black. An end of video CTA has the same purpose as the pop-out CTA or annotation, except that they appear at the end of your video. YouTube calls them Cards, and although they can be placed anywhere within the video, it is more effective to use them as an end of video CTA. Use end of video CTA’s to direct your viewer to your desired next step, such as visiting your website. Or, try embedding a form to capture their information and offer a free download in exchange. Research by Vidyard has demonstrated that viewers who received an end of video CTA for a free trial of their product converted at 21%, vs. only 1% of viewers who did not receive a CTA. Clearly, the inclusion of an end of video CTA can have a huge impact on your marketing efforts.

So, as you can see, once you have decided to include video into your marketing plan, the next logical step is to engage your viewers by integrating some form of lead generation strategy.

Simple and powerful, start using them today and see how your marketing results improve!

You can also visit our YouTube Channel.

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The Top Five Reasons You Should Be Implementing Video In Your Marketing

video marketing

You’ve heard about demand generation, right?

Just in case you are unclear of what, exactly, this means, demand generation is the focus of targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in a company’s products/services.

This article points out the top five reasons why video marketing has become a key component of content marketing and demand generation strategies.

1. Video has higher retention rates and initiates higher engagement.

It is no surprise to any of us that attention spans are becoming shorter and shorter as technology improves and advances. In fact, latest studies have defined our attention spans at a mere 8 seconds. So that’s it! That’s how long you have to capture the attention of your audience. This means that you should be strategic about the content you are providing for your audience. According to a report by Invodo, more than 65% of viewers watch more than three quarters of each video, which is considerably higher that text-based content.

2. Video as a marketing medium drives more conversions.

We all love to share information and help others. But at the core, we are in business to make money. And, without sales, there is no money. Using video to deliver content to your audience can be a key driver in building trust, awareness and interest in your company and its offerings. In fact, over 70% of marketers believe that video is the most effective way to drive conversions, with product videos increasing your prospects purchasing intent by up to 85%.

3. Video enhances the results of additional content and marketing efforts.

As stand-alone content, videos have proven themselves to be incredibly effective. Used to support other content assets, video can boost the engagement factor considerably. Consider the effectiveness of a video landing page. The integration of video into a sales page allows the prospect to engage more personally with the company and helps to build credibility and trust.

4. Video helps you gain insight into the behaviours of your visitors.

Let’s face it; we love to sell our products. Perhaps you have an eBook that a prospect has downloaded. But we have no way of tracking what the prospect did with the eBook once it was downloaded. Did they read it? Did they find it useful? There really is no way of knowing. But with video, you can track how many viewers it had, how much of the video is being watched, and if viewers are interacting with any clickable links within the video.

5. Video is more accessible than ever to companies of all sizes.

Prospects and clients are expecting more and more video content. In fact, according to Cisco, nearly 80% of all internet traffic is expected to be video based by 2018. But with the increase in demand for video, the tools have become less expensive, allowing any business to create video for their prospects and clients. Although high end video productions still have their place, newer technologies have brought the ability to shoot and edit video within the reach of any business. The biggest obstacle seems to be getting over the ‘camera-shy’ part of video production.

You don’t need any expensive or highly technical equipment or software to start creating video today. In fact, you can even use your smartphone to record a video. And online video tools such as Camtasia and GoAnimate help you to create a professional video right from your own desktop. As for hosting and distribution, you can easily share video across a number of networks such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, etc., as well as embedding them in emails and on your website. You may want to investigate video marketing platforms as well, to provide you with metrics for measurable ROI.

So there you have it – the top 5 reasons why you should be doing video marketing. What are you waiting for?

You can visit our YouTube Channel here.

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Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Are You Differentiating Your Business?

Are You Differentiating Your Business?

How do you differentiate your business?

There is no denying that there exists a plethora of businesses that all offer the same services or products as yours. So how do you attract clients to your business instead of having them choose your competitor?

If you are a small business owner, it is imperative that you find or create a strategy that differentiates your services from all those other businesses claiming to do the same thing.

Although this isn’t a new concept, it is often one of the most difficult things to get a small business owner to do. After all, we all like to think that what we offer is special and unique. But, unfortunately, this is seldom the case and, in most instances,  is something that many others can and do offer as well.

An interesting way to demonstrate this is to take the first paragraph of five of your competitor’s websites and black out any references to names. Chances are, the descriptions for each of these companies will be nearly impossible to tell apart.

So what can you do to differentiate yourself? Read more
