How Reputation Marketing Can Affect Your Business

watch your online reputation

Your online reputation can make or break your business.

Creating and maintaining a positive reputation for your business is a vital and important aspect in creating a loyal customer base while building your brand.

No major successful or popular brand started out and became successful with a negative reputation. In fact, the reputation of a business has been proven to have a significant influence on customer loyalty, satisfaction, and trust.

Customer retention is something that the majority of big and successful companies thrive on. Customers that are happy are more likely to be return customers who spend more money, and in turn, tell their friends and family about their experience.

Having a reputation marketing strategy in place should be the first thing your company focuses on when building your reputation.

More and more businesses are encouraging their customers to go online and post reviews about their experiences. There are many big review sites out there and the data you get from them can be invaluable to your reputation marketing campaign.

Managing these review sites builds trust and authority for your brand and shows your transparency and accountability. Getting feedback about your business and your brand provides you with valuable insights on where your business is falling short, and how you can improve. Even good feedback can be improved on.

Believe it or not, there are many companies that have failed due to having a bad reputation, and either not knowing, or not doing anything about it until it was too late.

On the other hand, it’s worth mentioning that companies with a good reputation financially outperformed companies with bad reputations in every way.

With a good reputation marketing strategy in hand, your business will benefit from higher brand equity, exponential growth, and a flood of loyal customers with increased customer lifetime value worth 10 times as much as their first purchase.

Don’t wait. Take control of your reputation marketing strategy today, and get started building your businesses trust, brand, and reputation today.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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8 Reasons To Use Google Analytics for Your Website Today

using google analytics

You should be using Google analytics for your website – here’s why!

As business owners, we must ensure that our marketing efforts are worthwhile.

We need to make sure that our website’s design and structure is at optimal levels to maximize our marketing campaigns.

Having someone on your team that can analyze your website traffic data will help ensure that your efforts are worth every little bit of time and money you spend on marketing.

Installing Google Analytics makes acquiring this information easier than ever. Understanding this information will help you strategize and improve your marketing efforts.

Here are 8 simple ways to use Google Analytics to advance your business to next level:

1. Identify the Sources of Your Traffic

Use analytics to track the traffic on your website. This will help you understand what sources send the most traffic to your business.

2. Determine the Path that Leads to Conversions

Determine what pages are driving conversions for your business. Conversions could be making a sale, the download of a white paper, a filled out contact form on your website or one of many other actions that positively impact your business.

The quality of your traffic relies on if you’re bringing the right buyer personas to your website who are genuinely interested in your company’s offerings.

3. Understand Which Relevant Keywords Drive Traffic

Analytics informs you how your business is ranking for key search queries.

Ranking highly for the most important long-tail keyword phrases related to your business can drive quality visitors to your website on a regular basis, which is why marketing around these search phrases is essential for your business.

4. Understand Time on Site

Start by understanding how engaged your visitors are by using the engagement report to better understand their time on site.

The reason why this is so important is that the longer someone is on your website, the more likely they’ll perform an action with your business whether that’s a download, completing a transaction, etc.

5. View Multi-Channel Funnels to Locate Understand a Visitor’s Path

The multi-channel funnels report in Google Analytics is one of the most important to monitor. It provides an overview of the most common paths to conversions. Take a look at which funnels are driving the most activity for your business and try to spur more movement across these channels.

6. Know Which Device Users Drive Results

Improve the quality of your ongoing traffic by analyzing and catering to where your traffic is coming from –desktop, mobile or tablet devices.

7. New vs. Returning Visitors

This report is important to monitor regularly to see if your existing audience is continually returning to your website, while also informing your business of your audience growth over time as seen through new visitors.

Ideally, there should be a healthy balance of both new visitors and returning visitors to inform the quality of your website.

8. Manage Your Backlinks

This can help your business understand what websites are linking to your site, which is a major factor that Google and the other search engines take into consideration when ranking your website and driving traffic to your business.

Your backlink profile is a crucial factor to help ensure that only quality websites are linking to your business and that you’re building trust with your customers and the search engines.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Make Your Business Stand Out from the Crowd

how to make your business stand out

Want to know how to get your business to stand out from the crowd?

SEO is a great marketing tool. Social Media is a great marketing tool as well. You have Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. at your disposal.

Many businesses fill their feeds with discussions about how reliable and celebrated their products or services are. Many have the persuasive copy needed to convince people to buy from them.

All of these tactics are good. Nonetheless, self-promotion alone is not enough to make yourself known to your target market. This is where Reputation Marketing comes into play.

Reputation marketing is about building a positive online reputation, which allows you to use that stellar reputation to gain the trust of your target customers.

With reputation marketing, you now have more authentic content. Content that draws people’s attention to how reputable your business is!

As your customer is contemplating their next purchase, they go through a process to decide if they want to buy. Some of these stages include Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. For some, this process is instantaneous, and for some, it could take months. Your reputation and reviews can help them jump into action!

Use reputation marketing to validate your potential customer’s decision to buy from you!

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Google AdWords Today!

google adwords works

Google AdWords works!

Are you looking to grow your business? Are you hoping to bring in new customers? Do you want to see that bottom line grow?

Successful business owners with an eye to the future should be able to answer yes to all those questions.

Here are three reasons to consider using Google AdWords.

Fast and Measurable Results

Google AdWords can give you top-notch measurable results, quickly and reliably. With these results, you know you are reaching the right audience. AdWords also provides unique functionality and reporting, so you can learn more about the wants and needs of your audience.


One common excuse heard in marketing is “We can’t afford to advertise.” My friend, you can’t afford not to. With Google AdWords, you know that your money is being put in the right place. With a pay-per-click model, you only pay for those internet users who click through to your site.

Build Brand Recognition

Even though you are only paying for the audience who clicks on your ad, you are getting a lot more eyeballs. That means you are working up the number of people who know about your business. Brand recognition carries a lot of weight and is something that must be built up in small increments.

There are many benefits to using Google’s AdWords, so start growing your company today.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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What’s The Importance of Customer Lifetime Value?

what is customer lifetime value

Here’s why Customer Lifetime Value is important to your business.

When starting a business, it’s easy to overlook some of the more important details once you start getting a customer base. Most businesses rely on getting as many customers as they can as cheaply as they can. This may have been the way to do things in the past, but now things have changed.

So what is Customer Lifetime Value? CLV is something that all big businesses focus on because of its importance. It is the measure of dollars coming in from a customer over the entire relationship with that customer to the business. However, since you cannot speculate how long each customer you have will stay loyal to you, you look at it over a certain period of time. Once you start doing this, the data you collect can show you some fascinating things.

One of the things you might find is where your marketing efforts fell short compared to one customer over others. The other thing measuring Customer Lifetime Value can do is help you refine your marketing strategy so that you are targeting the right customers.

There are many benefits that come from analyzing Customer Lifetime Value including maximizing your return on marketing campaigns, helping to identify and reward those customers who are loyal, and managing your customer relationship as a monetary investment instead of counting them as a number.

Huge industry leaders in eCommerce are outperforming all the rest because of their focus on retaining customers. Some eCommerce giants are reporting 60-80% retention rates while others are reporting only a 20% rate!

Do you want to learn more about CLV?

Contact us to learn how we can help you effectively measure your Customer Lifetime Value.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Get more Customers with Pay-per-Click

ppc gets you more customers

Have you tried pay-per-click yet?

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an internet marketing/advertising model where businesses or individuals pay a certain amount of money every time their ad is clicked.

This is a way of buying extra targeted visits for your website. The sponsored ads that typically appear on the top list of the results from a Google search are what we call AdWords PPC.

PPC is highly cost-effective. You only pay for the clicks. Your ads that don’t get clicked, get exposure!

Here are some common questions that come up.

Will PPC increase traffic to my website?
Yes. PPC has proven to increase visitors to websites by up to 300%.

Will it increase the sales I make when potential customers visit my website?
Yes. PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something compared to those customers who stumble upon your website.

What about my brand?
Search ads can increase brand awareness by 80%. That’s Huge!

PPC results can be phenomenal.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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How Facebook Ads Can Boost Growth and Sales for Your Small Business

how facebook ads can boost your growth

You can boost your company’s online reach through Facebook Ads.

Businesses around the globe are cashing in on Facebook’s massive audience and unique features to increase their growth, sales, and overall success.

Is your business using Facebook Ads yet? Are you apprehensive about trying Facebook Ads?

Here are some ways you can get a well-deserved Facebook boost:

1. Capitalizing on Facebook’s huge captive audience: Facebook has over 1.7 billion active users, and features that help you target your ads so that they’re seen by your potential customers.

2. Transforming Facebook visitors into customers: turn your cash into traffic to your landing pages and conversion funnels. Facebook even lets you re-market towards users who have engaged with you before.

3. Utilizing Facebook’s powerful Call-to-Action feature: Unlike others, Facebook Ads lets small businesses choose from a variety of call-to-action options, which lets you focus on exactly what you want your audience to do.

4. Developing demand generation advertisements: The average Facebook users spends 40+ minutes a day there to explore, connect, and discover. Help them discover just how much they need what you have to offer!

5. Testing your content before you spend money to maximize engagement: Another reason to advertise on Facebook is that it lets you get the most bang for your buck. How? You can test how engaging your content is by posting it on your page for free and analyzing your Insights. Then you can put your money on the most successful posts!

6. Creating video ads: Facebook videos have high rates of engagement and can help create buzz around your business.

Ready to begin your next Facebook Ad campaign?

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Great news for business owners in the travel and hospitality industry!

travel and hospitality industry

Things are heating up for the travel and hospitality industry.

Consumers are quickly shifting their reliance on digital channels for all of their travel preparation, from researching to booking.

Adobe Digital Insights forecasts online revenue growth for the travel industry, with spending expected to hit $98.02 billion.

The typical customer-traveler spent an average of 53 days browsing 28 different sites over 76 online sessions, with more than 50% of travelers checking social media for travel tips, according to a study by Nielsen.

The digital travel space worldwide will expand at an annual rate of 3.8% to reach $11.4 trillion over the next 10 years, as predicted by travel industry experts.

How’s your revenue forecast?

Need help boosting digital marketing for your travel or hotel business?

What’s your plan of action?

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Do You Have A Clear Digital Marketing Plan?

digital marketing plan is a must

Having a clear digital marketing plan is a must.

How much time a day do you spend with technology? According to CNN, the average American spends 10 hours a day in front of some kind of screen. With eight hours of sleep time, that means that more than 60 percent of your waking hours are spent in front of a TV, phone, or computer.

What does that mean for your customers? The best way to reach them is by embracing digital marketing. Most businesses have some conglomeration of tactics to create an online presence, but without a clear strategy, your presence can turn into random pieces of digital mess that does not contribute to converting customers.

A holistic approach means you never have to worry about some tactics going astray.

Still not sure if a digital marketing plan is for you? Well, here’s the best words anyone can hear when talking about business expenditures.

A digital marketing plan for your company can help increase your return on investment. It does this by improving your visibility to potential customers and increasing your sales.

It’s time to create your digital marketing strategy.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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How Social Media Marketing Works

how social media marketing works

Want to know how social media marketing works?

LinkedIn has more than 900 million users. That’s a huge audience. Facebook has an astonishing 1.5 billion daily users. There are 354 million Twitter accounts. The list goes on, and the audiences continue to grow. It’s obvious that if you want to succeed you should be interested in this huge pool of potential clients.

Ninety-one percent of retail brands use 2 or more social media channels. Having control over your social media is essential if you are to become a successful brand. Controlling the messages you send out to your customers is a key factor. Contact us and we’ll let you know how to get it right.

Watch our series on the 10 Keys to Successful Social Media Marketing.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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