Paralysis By Analysis


Paralysis by analysis – guilty as charged?

Today, we continue our new Entrepreneur Series by discussing the issue of paralysis by analysis.

I’m sure we have all been guilty of this at one time or another. We have an idea, create a plan and get all the back end prepared, and then? We do nothing with it, or shift views, or something…

What makes us do this, and how can we avoid it? Join Frank Thomas and me as we explore this aspect of human nature and talk about ways to avoid falling into this trap.

Watch our video here or on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Entrepreneur Series – Intro Podcast

entrepreneur success

About a month ago, Frank Thomas and I launched our new series for entrepreneurs,

and I posted the introductory video here, on our website.

As a reminder, the series is focused on helping small business owners and entrepreneurs to be successful. The first video is an overview of what to expect in the series, as well as a discussion on roadblocks on your path to success and how to overcome them.

We are back on track with our schedule (at least for now) and look forward to presenting Part Two of our intro to the series on Thursday.

Meanwhile, as a refresher, you can watch the video by checking our earlier article or listen to our podcast of the episode.

Listen to our episode here, or listen to the podcast.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Entrepreneur Series – Episode One


Welcome! Today we are posting our introductory video for our new series for entrepreneurs.

As you know, I am a regular co-host on the Small Business Tips Show with Frank Thomas. We have developed a number of podcasts and webinars designed to help small business owners build a successful business. Out of this process, we discovered that many of you were looking for something that would help identify and walk through the steps required to build, maintain, and grow your business. Our answer was to create the Entrepreneur Series, and today we start with the ‘Jumpstart” video.

In this first video, we do a high level overview of the issues we will be presenting in the series. We discuss how roadblocks jump into the way, and how to overcome them. In our future videos, we drill down and dissect each component, so enjoy this video today, and be sure to check back as we publish the rest of the series.

Watch our video here, or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Positioning and Pricing Your Product or Service

Pricing strategy

One of the biggest obstacles business owners come up against is how to properly position and price their product or service in the marketplace.

Charge too much and no one will buy. Charge too little and people perceive your product as cheap or worthless.

In our recent webcast for Small Business Tips Show, Frank Thomas and I discuss some of the finer points about positioning and pricing your products/services to your prospects. You’ll also learn how pricing impacts the ‘sense of value’ to both you and your customer.

Watch our webcast to hear some of examples about how to position your service or product and discover how you to gauge realistic profit expectations on your sales, allowing you to forecast your business growth.

Watch our video here, or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Get More Clients – Part 1

get more clients

2015 is wrapping up,

and many small business owners are reviewing their successes and failures to see how to improve results for the next year.

The key, of course, to a successful business is finding – and keeping – clients. Everyone wants to know how to get more clients.

Recently, I had a discussion about getting more clients with Frank Thomas of the Small Business Tips show. In fact, we found that this subject was so involved that we actually made 2 shows. You may have seen the video here a few weeks ago, but we have also created a podcast of the presentation so you can “take it and go”.

Enjoy the discussion, here or connect to listen to the podcast!

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Are You Being Strategic With Your Marketing?

strategic marketing

What is it, to be strategic with your marketing?

I was having a conversation the other day with a business colleague about strategic marketing and we were discussing various obstacles that present themselves when growing your business. One of the most common obstacles appears to be that of the failure to identify your ideal client.

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, one of the most important components of your marketing strategy is that of being clear on your target audience. Without a clear understanding of who your ideal client is, the implementation of your marketing strategy can never be honed to that specific audience. And without being able to target your marketing efforts, you will end up wasting time, energy and cold, hard cash.

I have repeatedly written and spoken about how the implementation of a proper, focused marketing plan is not only critical to the growth of your business, but is also a solid financial investment in the future of your business. However, we need to address the reality that there is a bit of an emotional disconnect, especially with small business owners, when it comes to parting with their finances to support a marketing program.

I get that.

But without investing the appropriate resources to properly market your business, you run the risk of being “forgettable”. In order to grow your business and to be seen as relevant within your industry, it is imperative that you are continually communicating to clients and prospects alike. Existing clients like to know that the companies they do business with are continuing to be viable in the marketplace, and prospects won’t even find you if you’re invisible.

Unfortunately, many small business owners make the mistake of randomly advertising their service or product without the development and implementation of a strategic marketing plan. Is it any wonder, then, that they end up disappointed and think that “marketing” doesn’t work?

The most important point that I can make is that advertising is not marketing. Marketing is about the creation of a strategy, based on your corporate values, goals, and ideal client, among other things. It is comprised of many components and nuances, with the end result being a unified approach to communicating effectively and efficiently to your target audience. Advertising, on the other hand is merely the implementation of one element of a strategic marketing plan.

So, as we are wrapping up 2015 and preparing for the next year, be sure to do a full review of all aspects of your business performance. Take a good look at any marketing or advertising campaigns that you have done over the past year and ask yourself if there was a strategy behind the process, or if it was simply implemented as a means to an end.

An investment in hiring a marketing strategist to help you identify, create, and execute a strategic marketing plan can help you attain your goals, financially and professionally. Maybe 2016 is the time to realize that your business is best served by focusing on your core competencies and outsource this component for growing your business.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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The Importance Of Networking

the importance of networking

Do you know the importance of networking?

Ok, if so how many of you are networking for your business?

We all know that we should be networking. Not only does it expand our circle of influence, but it also allows us an opportunity to share our expertise with others.

Networking does not have to be difficult or time consuming. There is a fine art to developing this skill. Once you realize that it is nothing more than simply meeting with others and exchanging knowledge, you will on the road to being successful in your small business ventures.

And, believe it or not, it can actually be fun!

Join us in this episode of The Small Business Tips Show and listen as we discuss the importance of networking and ways to accomplish this for your small business!

Watch our video broadcast here, or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Entrepreneurship – Overcoming Challenges


Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

Or, do you already classify yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you ever think it would be great to be an entrepreneur and be the master of your own destiny? What is entrepreneurship?

Last month, Frank Thomas and I discussed these issues for a podcast for the Small Business Tips Show. Both of us have worked for employers in the past, and both of us have had experience as entrepreneurs. And, of course, both of us have had successes and failures in building our own businesses over the years.

I think everyone dreams of being their own boss at one time or another. But like all dreams, they often differ from reality. The learning curve can be steep, and the initial costs in time and money can be a challenge. Read more

Growing Your Business: A 3 Point Plan To Get You There


Most small business owners and entrepreneurs start with a vision.

This vision differs from person to person, and is generally based on why they want to own their own business and what the perceived benefits are.

For some people, the attraction is all about being their own boss. For others, it is about flexibility and being able to be the ‘masters of their own destiny’. And for others, it is the opportunity to face and accomplish many different challenges associated with self-employment. And probably, for most people, it is a bit of all of these.

Of course, like everything else in life, the reality of owning your own business is not exactly the romanticized version we all dream about. In reality, especially in the early days, we work long hours, are required to juggle all aspects of the business, have to attend to mundane duties, and more often than not, also make financial sacrifices.

And, yet, we carry on!

We know – or at least we believe – that our businesses will grow into what we envisioned and we keep working toward that goal. But to get there, you must have a roadmap.

This 3 point plan assumes that you are already operating; follow it and you will be on your way to achieving your dreams.

Point 1: Setting Goals:

Every business should have a business plan. This plan should look at where you want the company to be in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years. But you have to approach reaching these goals in bite-sized pieces, so when establishing your immediate goals, take a look at what you are want to achieve over the next year. The 7 main points to address are:

• What is your top priority for the year?
• What were your revenue goals for the previous year, and did you achieve them?
• What are your revenue goals for the current year?
• What is your customer base?
• How many new customers do you need to attract to achieve your goals?
• Are you planning to add any new products or services?
• How many leads do you need to achieve your goals, and how will you obtain them?

Point 2: Establish a Plan:

Once you have developed your goals for the year, it is time to create and develop the plan. Through the development of your goals, you have created a blueprint that is measurable. Now is the time to add the meat to the bones. Your plan should address some key elements:

• Review your previous efforts; what marketing activities have you engaged in previously to generate new business?
• Evaluate the results of those efforts – what worked and what didn’t?
• What can you change or do differently this year to generate more revenue?
• Be open to change. Is there some new way or new avenues to explore that will improve the visibility of your business and help develop more revenue?

Point 3: Establish Timelines:

Yes, we have written about this many times in the past. Yet it must be repeated. Timelines must be established so that there is a proper process and proper ability for measurement. If projects have no start time and no end time, there is no sense of urgency and no method to measure. Things just continue to float around in the ether, maybe getting done and maybe not…
Therefore, consider these factors when developing your timeline:

• Is there a seasonality or specific event around your product or service?
• What is the start date of the campaign and how long will it continue before you are able to determine whether or not it was successful?
• What is the point at which you will decide if you will ‘pull the plug’ on the initiative if it appears as though it may not work?

Following these 3 points doesn’t guarantee that your business will accomplish the goal you have set, but it will ensure that you have gone forward with a process and a plan. And that is half the battle!

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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