Understanding Analytics – Part 3

Desktop Vs Mobile

Desktop vs. mobile.

What these analytics tell you.

Where is most of your traffic coming from? And which of these sources converts better?

These are the questions that are addressed in today’s video.

Watch today’s video to learn more.

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Understanding Analytics – Part 2


Ready for Part 2?

Then let’s reveal Question 2.

Our last video addressed bounce rates; what they are, and what they mean. Today, we explain how to interpret the analytics that show where visitors are exiting your site.

What does it mean when people leave your site at a certain point? How can you fix it?

Watch today’s video to learn more.

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Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Understanding Analytics – Part 1

Bounce Rate

What’s a bounce rate? Do you know what your analytics mean?

Here’s how to interpret them.

We all know about online analytics. We know that these tools are designed to tell us about how well our websites and social media profiles are performing. But some of this data is a bit obscure to many of us, and we don’t understand the value of it.

To that end, we have developed a short 5 part video series that explains some of the more common analytics.

Watch today’s video to see Part 1 and learn about bounce rates.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Time For A Website Facelift?

update your website

Does your website still matter?

Maybe it’s time for a facelift…

Gone are the days of publishing a website and then forgetting about it except for updates.

Your site visitors need to be engaged.

And by that, we mean that they must find the information on your site interesting enough to keep them there – and keep them coming back.

Our Marketing In A Minute video today talks about why and when you should review and update your website.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Why Your Site Needs To Be Mobile Responsive

mobile responsive

Are you sure you are mobile responsive?

If not, you are not only on the radar for Google penalties, but are also losing potential clients.

We have shared the news about how Google penalizes non-mobile responsive sites, but beyond rankings, you could be losing business.

Today, we wanted to share with you an infographic from GoMobile Solutions that shows clearly why your site needs to be mobile.

See the infographic:

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The Ad-Blocking Conundrum


It won’t come as a surprise to anyone that ad blockers have become very popular.

Consumers have become fed up with having their digital experience interrupted by pop-up ads, ads showing up in the middle of articles, and just generally having to make do with less online real estate dedicated to the things that interest them.

Just take a look at these statistics released in the “2016 Mobile Adblocking” report from PageFair.

• At least 419 million people (22 percent of the world’s 1.9 billion smartphone users) are blocking ads on the mobile Web.

• Both mobile Web and in-app ads can now be blocked.

• As of March 2016 an estimated 408 million people are actively using mobile ad-blocking browsers (e.g., a mobile browser that blocks ads by default).

• As of March 2016 in Europe and North America there were 14 million monthly active users of mobile ad-blocking browsers.

• A further 4.9 million content blocking and in-app ad-blocking apps were downloaded from the app stores in Europe and North America since September 2014.

The increase of adblocking on the desktop began to slow in 2016, reaching its peak in 2018, before beginning to fall through 2020. However, over the last two years adblocking has started to rise again, with 290 million web users actively blocking ads worldwide in 2021.

As consumers, this trend proves that we were not alone in our dislike of online advertising.

But if you are a publisher or an advertiser – or even a small business owner trying to promote your business – these alarming statistics are cause for concern.

Over the past couple of decades, mainstream advertising has shifted its focus to the online world. After all, where can you get such broad reach for so little money? As social platforms and other forms of online advertising have grown, more and more screen real estate has been given over to revenue generating ads. In fact, some reports have stated that it won’t be long before organic reach is completely decimated in favor of paid results.

But it is clear that our patience and our tolerances have reached their limits and ad blocking has become the norm.

The biggest social media platform, Facebook, is fighting back. They are attempting to change their algorithm to manipulate ad blocking software and, in effect, creating unblockable ads. They’ve also instigated a program allowing users to exercise a bit of control over the advertising that they see. Obviously, online advertisers are watching how these techniques work to see if and how they can shift their strategies.

So back to the conundrum; as a consumer you hate the ads but as someone trying to grow your brand and convert visitors into customers, what can you do?

Well, organic search isn’t dead yet. And by using some techniques strategically, perhaps these strategies will maintain and improve the effectiveness of organic versus paid.

Try these quick tips to see how to improve your organic social reach:

1. Make sure that you are using your social sharing options on content pages. When users share your content this way the algorithms do not have the same impact.

2. Try to engage your visitors a little more by encouraging more user generated content such as on boxing videos or asking for reviews and comments.

3. Since people are more likely to read and interact with content from their peers, encourage employee advocacy.

4. Influencer marketing continues to be a great way to promote your brand. Leverage your influencer marketing as much as possible.

5. Create and share great content. Make sure that it identifies and solves your site visitors pain points.

6. Consider a referral program rewarding users for sharing your content.

7. If you are not including your social sharing options and handles in your emails, start doing so immediately.

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Avoid Google Penalties

google penalties

Don’t get caught making these simple mistakes that could incur penalties and affect your traffic.

You don’t have to be a search engine optimization specialist to know that there have been some big changes in how Google ranks sites over the past few years.

Nearly anyone who has a website has heard of the Panda and Penguin updates Google made in the past few years.  And of course, Google continues to make changes to its algorithm to ensure it maintains its position as the top search engine. But be aware that these changes can affect how your site is seen by Google and you must do your best to stay on top of them so you don’t incur a penalty.

In the early days of search engine optimization, the “experts” would dump keywords heavily into content, often delivering something that might attract a higher ranking but certainly would not engage the reader. Another tactic was to build links with other sites that may have been low-quality links from directories and other spamming sites that few people ever really clicked on.

The changes that Google has made to their algorithms has actually resulted in better quality. These old tactics no longer work, thank goodness, and the trend has been toward content marketing. Providing people with content that is relevant and valuable to them has also proven to work well to assist with rankings.

But there are still some ways that you can inadvertently end up with penalties from Google while engaging in content marketing.

Avoid the following and your site is likely to stay safe.

1.  Lack of unique content: Another area where you can run into difficulty is by providing a lack of content that is unique. Duplicating other content in a copy and paste fashion is like playing Russian roulette and it is likely only a matter of time until your site is penalized. If you are an affiliate marketer, do your best to avoid the simple copy and paste method as well, as this will be seen as not providing value and may end up causing Google to penalize your site by lowering your ranking.  Do NOT plagerize!

2.  Over-optimizing or low quality internal content: What of the things that Google algorithms search for is the quality of your content within your website. Make sure you are providing unique, new content to your website on a regular basis and avoid rampant repetition of your content throughout your site. This not only will help you avoid incurring penalties, but also will significantly boost your organic rankings. Use different types of content as well, like podcasts, video as well as written blog posts. Google will notice and you should be rewarded.

3.  Keep current: I have often heard people say that they have finished their website. Now, I know what they mean by this, but keep in mind that your website is never finished. It should be seen as a living, breathing entity that requires some attention. Ensure that your website is kept current, removing content that is no longer valid, updating content, and making sure that all your links are working properly. If you don’t have current information on your site, not only will visitors not want to return but Google will also lose interest in your site.

The biggest penalty is to lose your ranking.  It is a difficult and never-ending job to stay on top of your optimization.  Don’t risk your reward by cutting a few corners.

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How To Get Discovered With Organic Search

organic search

How is your company getting found online?

There are tons of articles out there about paid search. SEO, Adwords, display ads, paid ads on social media… We’ve heard and read about them all. And, done properly, any and all of these methods can be effective and done with in a pre-set budget.

But prior to the development of these methods and the incarnation of the tens of thousands of companies and individuals who provide these services, there was something called organic search.

Organic search is simply being found online without paying for positioning on search engines. In other words, as defined by Wikipedia, “Organic search results are listings on search engine results pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, as opposed to their being advertisements.”

Of course, even organic search requires a strategy in order to show up on the listings. However, these tactics can be undertaken without the need to hire outside help.

Search engines obviously require input data that allows your company to be found. Things like keywords and backlinks are still important, but can be created through website design and data, clever content, and having your site backlinked to other sources, which helps determine the popularity of your site.

Review the following four questions to find out how users discover your company through organic search:

1. When searching for your keywords, what do users notice first: your website, your ads, or your competitors? If they are finding your ads, it proves that your paid advertising is working, but says little about your organic search. If they’re finding your competitors first, it’s definitely time to review your site and your content to make sure that you are targeting the appropriate keywords for your business. If they’re finding your website first, you are getting good organic search results.

2. What words are standing out to users on the Google search page results? Regardless of whether your site is being found on the first two pages of search engine results, review the words that are showing up on the results and make sure that you are using the words and terms that are being found.

3. If, and when, users are clicking on your link what do they expect to find? Make sure that you are using keywords that are appropriate to your business. Falsifying your content to gain organic search results is not the way to go. Users will be upset at what is a thinly veiled attempt to gain traffic and will boycott your site.

4. Does your landing page (or homepage) meet the users’ expectations? As mentioned above, make sure that you are being found by users who are entering a search query that is true to your business. You have only a matter of seconds to capture the attention of a visitor to your site. If they are not drawn to keywords and content that matches their interest, they’ll move on to the next search result.

Organic search results are an important part of online business success. Make sure that you don’t neglect this function. Keep your content fresh and current; both search engines and users are looking for this!

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Four Ways To Ensure Your Website Is A Reflection Of Your Brand

Brand website

Some companies are still under the assumption that their corporate brand is simply a matter of a logo, corporate colors, and a font style.

I’ve written articles and produced videos in the past that point out that corporate branding has evolved. You may have already seen or read this information.

In today’s business environment, your brand is far more inclusive. Think of it as your company’s personality.

Branding in this day and age includes every aspect of how your company is perceived by clients and prospects in the marketplace. So, yes logo, colors, font style; all these do matter. But it is far more than that. It is much more about the customer experience.

Rather than rehash the elements of branding that I have discussed in previous posts, today I want to focus on how your website affects your brand.

Although your website is simply one tool for communicating with your clients and prospects, it can be an extremely powerful one. Your online presence is more important than ever, now that most consumers shop and compare products and services using the Internet. Therefore, take the time to create a website that is a true reflection of your corporate values and communicates this important brand messaging to your clients and prospects.

Review your website for these four key elements to ensure that it is properly reflecting your brand identity:

1. Include information that is valuable to your clients and prospects.

First and foremost, be sure that your company’s website is providing content that matters to your clients and prospects. Yes, you want to tell them about you and your services, but remember that what will attract them is what you can do for them. Failing to give visitors what they need and want will only result in a high bounce rate, and you may as well not even have an online presence. Know your target audience, provide information that is relevant to them, and presented in an organized and easy to consume fashion ads a huge amount of value.

2. Include calls to action to engage your site visitors.

Let’s face it, the purpose of having an online presence is to help drive business. And in order to do this, you must include statements within your site that will not only capture the attention of your visitors but will also elicit a response. Using phrases such as “visit us today” could entice a prospect, especially someone on a mobile device, to drop in. Or, perhaps you would like them to sign up to receive notifications of specials that you run from time to time. Be sure to include a simple to use call to action button that will entice visitors to click. And make the form simple, as statistics show that the more information you are soliciting, the lower the opt in rate will be.

3. Make sure your website is interactive.

We have all received brochures or pamphlets that are jam-packed with information. And we all know what we do with those-we throw them out. Poorly designed information, regardless of how valuable it is, will ultimately be discounted and discarded by your prospect. Make sure that your website isn’t cluttered with information. Back to our point about making information easily accessible to site visitors, tried to ensure that you have interactive features for them as well. This can not only make a more individually tailored experience for your visitor, but it can also help to build loyalty to your brand. For example if you are a financial professional, consider including an app such as a calculator that gives your clients and prospects the opportunity to get a clear picture of the services they are seeking.

4. Consider the design of your website.

How your website looks and feels to visitors should reflect the true essence of your brand. Ensure that the logo, colors, font choices are consistent with your overall brand. Your site design should speak to your visitors about your corporate “personality”. Remember what I said at the beginning of this article, and make sure that are everything that you are providing on your website gives clients and prospects a sense of the integrity of your business.

These four tactics are crucial to ensure that your website will optimize your brand identity. As a business owner, you need to take seriously how you project your online presence and how this creates the type of experience you are providing to clients and prospects.

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Six Audits To Measure Your Website Performance

website audits

Okay, so you’ve got your website out there, but now what?

Chances are that you have done some sort of audit to see how well your website has been performing. We’ve all heard that we should be considering everything from speed of page load to rankings, so you’ve probably found some tests online and have put your website through those. However, in order to get a true picture of your website performance, you should consider more than one type of audit.

Your website is an essential part of your business, and as such needs to be evaluated properly to make sure that it is performing in a way that enhances your online presence.

With this in mind, we wanted to provide you with the following six key areas to consider for your website audit.

1. SEO & Organic Reach Audit

Although the face of SEO has changed over the years, it is still an important factor to consider for your site success. Even if your main focus is not on obtaining clients and prospects through search, it is important that you are not invisible. Therefore, how your website fares in organic search is a major part of a proper website audit. A critical part of making improvements to your site, not only from a strategic perspective but also to find opportunities, is understanding the traffic to your site and the rankings and keywords that deliver this traffic. This audit should provide you with information about what is driving traffic to your site, helping you to plan for further growth.

2. Paid Visibility Audit

Since most organic and paid campaigns are usually run separately from each other, a paid visibility audit is key to understanding if your ad spend is targeting the right keywords. By auditing your website’s paid campaigns, you will gain an insight into what keywords are generating visitors to your site as well as the cost of those visits.

3. Technical Audit

The usability and functionality of your website matters more today than in the past. Not only are users becoming smarter and demanding more from your site, but search engines give preference to websites that are technically sound. This includes such technical elements as page load speed, optimization of images, content to code ratio, etc. And given the importance of mobile responsiveness these days, remember that you must review the technical foundation of your website for both desktop and mobile users.

4. Backlink Profile Audit

We all know that backlinks are important, even if not all of us know exactly what that means or how they work. Learning about the health of your backlinks is often overlooked in a website audit. But the quality and the origin of these links to your website are very important to establish your websites authority, and Google’s ranking algorithm has placed a lot of emphasis on a website’s link profile. But getting authoritative, quality back links has become more and more difficult. Discovering where your own links are coming from can help give you a perspective of just how authoritative your website is in the eyes of the search engines.

5. Competitor Audit

Are you looking for a report, or do you want an audit? You can’t have an audit without having something to compare to. When enlisting the services of someone for your website audit, ensure that they include a competitive audit that will allow you to compare your website among your competitors. This may give you awareness of online competitors that you were previously unaware of. It should also give you a better idea of how well you compare among your competitors; understanding how strong their online presence is can help you identify areas to improve your own online presence.

6. Local Audit

It’s important that you have accurate business information available on your website. Lack of information, or wrong information, can cost you business. A local audit shows existing local profiles, and gives you the opportunity to identify any problems that could be turning customers away.

Without question, your website is an important part of your business. Regardless of whether you’re B2B or B2C, a properly functioning website is critical to help acquire and retain customers. By ensuring that your website has been reviewed for these 6 six key elements, you can ensure that your website will perform well and help grow your business.

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