Are You Differentiating Your Business?

Are You Differentiating Your Business?

How do you differentiate your business?

There is no denying that there exists a plethora of businesses that all offer the same services or products as yours. So how do you attract clients to your business instead of having them choose your competitor?

If you are a small business owner, it is imperative that you find or create a strategy that differentiates your services from all those other businesses claiming to do the same thing.

Although this isn’t a new concept, it is often one of the most difficult things to get a small business owner to do. After all, we all like to think that what we offer is special and unique. But, unfortunately, this is seldom the case and, in most instances,  is something that many others can and do offer as well.

An interesting way to demonstrate this is to take the first paragraph of five of your competitor’s websites and black out any references to names. Chances are, the descriptions for each of these companies will be nearly impossible to tell apart.

So what can you do to differentiate yourself? Read more

Likes, Tweets, Shares, and Subscribes …Oh, My!

social media marketing

Social media accounts are important, but…

I was having a discussion with a business colleague the other day and the topic came up about how clients perceive their followings on social media platforms.

During this conversation, he mentioned that one of his clients was not satisfied with the number of subscribers she had on her YouTube channel. She has lots of views, just not too many subscribers.

That led us to an exchange about social media engagement in general.

So let me play devil’s advocate for just a minute.

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When Marketing Wears A Cowboy Hat…

Calgary stampede

It’s that time of year!

For those of you who don’t know, I am a proud Calgarian.

Calgary, Alberta is world-renowned for 3 major things: hosting the 1988 Winter Olympics, its Oil and Gas industry, and the Calgary Stampede.

Well, today marks the fifth day of the 2015 Calgary Exhibition & Stampede.

This article isn’t intended to be an advertisement for the Stampede, but it’s a great example of how marketing can wear a different hat.

For those of you who are not familiar, this is an annual event that celebrates the tradition of ‘the old west’. It lasts for 10 days, and during this time, business activities slow to a crawl – at least in the downtown area.

Calgary is also well-known for knowing how to throw a good party, and that proves true every year during this event.

This is the time of year when Boardrooms take a backseat to Bars and Barns!  Business folks drop their power suits for western wear, including cowboy hats, casting aside the worry of developing ‘hat-hair’. Read more

How Being A Creature Of Habit Can Cripple Your Business

How Being A Creature Of Habit Can Cripple Your Business

It’s true. Whether or not we like to admit it, we are all creatures of habit.

Sure, sometimes we can get over it and change things up a bit, but one of two things typically happens:

1. We revert to our old, familiar ways
2. The new approach becomes our new habit

I remember taking a night course several years ago. Maybe it’s a holdover from our school days, but as anyone knows who has taken a night course, most people (all people) tend to find their seat and that becomes “their’ seat for the rest of the course.

So for this course, I thought I’d try something different, partly as a social experiment and partly to make an effort to interact with different people during the course. Read more

To Tech or Not To Tech: How Technology Impacts Your Marketing


As I’ve said in the past, the term marketing is often used interchangeably with the term sales.

However, marketing actually defines a process as opposed to an action.

One of the main functions of marketing is to provide effective communications, which is an important part of helping businesses grow and prosper. Communication is about creating relationships, strengthening an organization’s effectiveness and, and helping people learn about one another.

Enter technology.

Current technologies, including such things as the Internet, smart phones and tablets, social media platforms, apps, and CRM (customer relationship management) systems are impacting the way companies communicate with clients and prospects, and the marketing strategies they employ.

More and more consumers and business professionals are using their portable devices to obtain information and to connect with other people and businesses. Thanks to the accessibility of the internet, prospects and clients have the ability to acquire tons of information in mere moments, including information about your competitors!

Despite lots of talk over the years about the benefits of things like telecommuting, technology is helping that to evolve. More people are working from virtual offices, using their cell phones and various social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to communicate with others. These changes will affect the way business spends money on different forms of communication as we continue to move forward and technologies evolve and improve. How a company communicates the features and benefits of their products and services will also have to evolve or the company runs the risk of fading into oblivion.

One of the most important things a business can do is to continually deliver a consistent message about their brand to their clients and prospects. Integrating their brand into every aspect of a business’s communications – whether TV, radio, print, internet, mobile platforms or social media – establishes recognition familiarity, developing strong customer relationships while developing a solid impression for prospects.

The younger, up and coming generation, is driving this change. These consumers have never known a world without cell phones, computers, and other technologies. As a result, they are quick to embrace using these new forms of business communications, such as ads on their mobile phones, social media ads, YouTube, etc. Traditional forms of media, like newspapers, television, and radio, are being forced to adapt to compete with the emerging changes in communication in order to remain relevant.

But these changes do not come without challenges.

Although technology has been implemented for years now, using it effectively for marketing still manages to evade many.

Results can be hard to measure, since the traditional measurement tools don’t necessarily apply. For instance, at one time, a business might run an ad in a local daily newspaper. Obviously, the reach of that ad was primarily limited to the local town or city where it appeared.

Fast forward to advertising on the internet. The reach of the World Wide Web is, indeed, just that – worldwide.

Technologies do improve, however, and advertising on the internet, whether pay-per-click or social media advertisements, are able to be more targeted. In fact, you have probably noticed that some of the sites you visit will now automatically load ads on the sidebar based on your previous browsing behaviours.

There is no question that technology is having a huge impact and is changing the way business communicate their message. Don’t fear this, but instead embrace it. Clearly define your message, your audience, your budget and your marketing plan, and how you will measure your results. Refine and repeat to come up with the proper recipe for success.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Growing Your Business: A 3 Point Plan To Get You There


Most small business owners and entrepreneurs start with a vision.

This vision differs from person to person, and is generally based on why they want to own their own business and what the perceived benefits are.

For some people, the attraction is all about being their own boss. For others, it is about flexibility and being able to be the ‘masters of their own destiny’. And for others, it is the opportunity to face and accomplish many different challenges associated with self-employment. And probably, for most people, it is a bit of all of these.

Of course, like everything else in life, the reality of owning your own business is not exactly the romanticized version we all dream about. In reality, especially in the early days, we work long hours, are required to juggle all aspects of the business, have to attend to mundane duties, and more often than not, also make financial sacrifices.

And, yet, we carry on!

We know – or at least we believe – that our businesses will grow into what we envisioned and we keep working toward that goal. But to get there, you must have a roadmap.

This 3 point plan assumes that you are already operating; follow it and you will be on your way to achieving your dreams.

Point 1: Setting Goals:

Every business should have a business plan. This plan should look at where you want the company to be in 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years. But you have to approach reaching these goals in bite-sized pieces, so when establishing your immediate goals, take a look at what you are want to achieve over the next year. The 7 main points to address are:

• What is your top priority for the year?
• What were your revenue goals for the previous year, and did you achieve them?
• What are your revenue goals for the current year?
• What is your customer base?
• How many new customers do you need to attract to achieve your goals?
• Are you planning to add any new products or services?
• How many leads do you need to achieve your goals, and how will you obtain them?

Point 2: Establish a Plan:

Once you have developed your goals for the year, it is time to create and develop the plan. Through the development of your goals, you have created a blueprint that is measurable. Now is the time to add the meat to the bones. Your plan should address some key elements:

• Review your previous efforts; what marketing activities have you engaged in previously to generate new business?
• Evaluate the results of those efforts – what worked and what didn’t?
• What can you change or do differently this year to generate more revenue?
• Be open to change. Is there some new way or new avenues to explore that will improve the visibility of your business and help develop more revenue?

Point 3: Establish Timelines:

Yes, we have written about this many times in the past. Yet it must be repeated. Timelines must be established so that there is a proper process and proper ability for measurement. If projects have no start time and no end time, there is no sense of urgency and no method to measure. Things just continue to float around in the ether, maybe getting done and maybe not…
Therefore, consider these factors when developing your timeline:

• Is there a seasonality or specific event around your product or service?
• What is the start date of the campaign and how long will it continue before you are able to determine whether or not it was successful?
• What is the point at which you will decide if you will ‘pull the plug’ on the initiative if it appears as though it may not work?

Following these 3 points doesn’t guarantee that your business will accomplish the goal you have set, but it will ensure that you have gone forward with a process and a plan. And that is half the battle!

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Pursuing Perfection Paralyzes

Pursuing Perfection Paralyses

Nobody’s perfect, right?

We’ve all been there. We’re working on a project and have made some great strides towards its completion. We have pursued perfection, done our final review and final revisions, add the final touches and – voila! Yes, we are ready to launch it!

The only problem is – well, we don’t!

Maybe we can just reword this one area. Maybe we can add another dimension to it over here. Or wait!  Let’s find some different pictures to augment it.  Or… maybe we should add video.

Let’s face it. Everything in life is a work in progress.

Nothing is ever set in stone, whether it is a business plan, a budget, or a project for your business.  Personally, I can look at something I have written and see a way to reword it every time I read it. If I continually reviewed and rewrote everything I have ever written, I would never have completed anything.

So, you do what you can, capture the best of what it is that you are looking to present, and run with it. If you don’t, you will never finish anything.

Why do we do this?

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The Shoemaker’s Child Goes Shoeless! The Importance of Working On Your Business

work on your business

Working on your business?

Entrepreneurs and business owners are a bit different than the masses. We are the people who aren’t satisfied with a ‘normal’ job. We often become bored very quickly with the status quo and once we have mastered a specific task or goal, we are eager to move on to a new challenge.

We also are guilty of taking on EVERYTHING! Because we put so much of ourselves into our businesses and projects, we seem to be a bit reluctant to trust others to maintain our high standards and protect our brand and our reputation.

So this means that often we end up juggling all aspects of the business; from bookkeeping to branding, to marketing, to web design and maintenance, to marketing and PR – and everything in between!

But by taking all this on, we are actually doing a disservice to our businesses! There are only so many hours in a day, and taking on the main responsibility of all aspects of the business makes it impossible to dedicate the appropriate amount of time and energy to every area. The result is that many tasks are incomplete, inadequate or simply ignored. We have all heard the adage, ‘the shoemaker’s child has no shoes’. In this case, the child is your business. Read more

How To Market Your Business: Strategy 5 – Advertising



Today marks the final video in our 5 part video series, “How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”. This final video talks about advertising your business.

Did you know that marketing is not the same thing as advertising?  Well, it’s not, despite the fact that those two words are used interchangeably all the time.

Watch our video and learn the difference between marketing and advertising, and how to determine what methods of advertising are most applicable to your business or marketing campaign.

Thanks for watching the series, and we look forward to sharing a new video series with you soon.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:


Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: Strategy Four – Building Trust

Trust the process

Building Trust.

Welcome back to our 5 part video series, “How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”.  The video we released today discusses the issue of building trust.

We all know that a person is behind every business front.  And we also all know that people do business with people they like, know and trust.  But how do you build that trust?  This video shares some simple, strategic ways to build trust, both online and offline.  Watch it to see how you can implement these techniques to help build trust in your business.

Unfortunately, we once again ran into some technological issues with our live-steam today.  As a result, our live event is missing some key information.  We worked to clean the video up, but, alas, no such luck!

So, now you have a choice – we have uploaded the full video to our other channel which we have placed into this post.  If you prefer to watch the live event, you can connect to our Corporate YouTube Channel here – but be warned: you’ll miss some tips!

We are hoping our technical issues will be fixed by Thursday when we will be finishing this video series.

Meanwhile, please watch our video event to get lots of great information about building trust for your business.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:


Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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