How To Get More Clients – Part 2

how to get more customers

Last week, I shared a podcast with you discussing how to get more customers.

This podcast was excerpted from a web broadcast recorded with Frank Thomas of the Small Business Tips Show. When we were recording the web broadcast we found this to be a very rich topic, necessitating it to be broken into two programs.

I’ve shared the web broadcasts with you here earlier this fall, but have found that many of you sometimes don’t have the time to watch the broadcast, preferring to download a podcast and listen in while doing other things.

Listen to the discussion here, or if you prefer, you can listen or download the podcast.

Until next time…

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How To Get More Clients – Part 1

get more clients

2015 is wrapping up,

and many small business owners are reviewing their successes and failures to see how to improve results for the next year.

The key, of course, to a successful business is finding – and keeping – clients. Everyone wants to know how to get more clients.

Recently, I had a discussion about getting more clients with Frank Thomas of the Small Business Tips show. In fact, we found that this subject was so involved that we actually made 2 shows. You may have seen the video here a few weeks ago, but we have also created a podcast of the presentation so you can “take it and go”.

Enjoy the discussion, here or connect to listen to the podcast!

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Are You Being Strategic With Your Marketing?

strategic marketing

What is it, to be strategic with your marketing?

I was having a conversation the other day with a business colleague about strategic marketing and we were discussing various obstacles that present themselves when growing your business. One of the most common obstacles appears to be that of the failure to identify your ideal client.

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, one of the most important components of your marketing strategy is that of being clear on your target audience. Without a clear understanding of who your ideal client is, the implementation of your marketing strategy can never be honed to that specific audience. And without being able to target your marketing efforts, you will end up wasting time, energy and cold, hard cash.

I have repeatedly written and spoken about how the implementation of a proper, focused marketing plan is not only critical to the growth of your business, but is also a solid financial investment in the future of your business. However, we need to address the reality that there is a bit of an emotional disconnect, especially with small business owners, when it comes to parting with their finances to support a marketing program.

I get that.

But without investing the appropriate resources to properly market your business, you run the risk of being “forgettable”. In order to grow your business and to be seen as relevant within your industry, it is imperative that you are continually communicating to clients and prospects alike. Existing clients like to know that the companies they do business with are continuing to be viable in the marketplace, and prospects won’t even find you if you’re invisible.

Unfortunately, many small business owners make the mistake of randomly advertising their service or product without the development and implementation of a strategic marketing plan. Is it any wonder, then, that they end up disappointed and think that “marketing” doesn’t work?

The most important point that I can make is that advertising is not marketing. Marketing is about the creation of a strategy, based on your corporate values, goals, and ideal client, among other things. It is comprised of many components and nuances, with the end result being a unified approach to communicating effectively and efficiently to your target audience. Advertising, on the other hand is merely the implementation of one element of a strategic marketing plan.

So, as we are wrapping up 2015 and preparing for the next year, be sure to do a full review of all aspects of your business performance. Take a good look at any marketing or advertising campaigns that you have done over the past year and ask yourself if there was a strategy behind the process, or if it was simply implemented as a means to an end.

An investment in hiring a marketing strategist to help you identify, create, and execute a strategic marketing plan can help you attain your goals, financially and professionally. Maybe 2016 is the time to realize that your business is best served by focusing on your core competencies and outsource this component for growing your business.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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The Importance Of Networking

the importance of networking

Do you know the importance of networking?

Ok, if so how many of you are networking for your business?

We all know that we should be networking. Not only does it expand our circle of influence, but it also allows us an opportunity to share our expertise with others.

Networking does not have to be difficult or time consuming. There is a fine art to developing this skill. Once you realize that it is nothing more than simply meeting with others and exchanging knowledge, you will on the road to being successful in your small business ventures.

And, believe it or not, it can actually be fun!

Join us in this episode of The Small Business Tips Show and listen as we discuss the importance of networking and ways to accomplish this for your small business!

Watch our video broadcast here, or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How Public Relations Adds Value To Your Business

public relations

It occurred to me today that I’ve never posted anything specifically about the role of public relations.

And, as a public relations and marketing expert, it’s past time that I did so!

Public relations, marketing, and advertising are nearly always lumped together, as though they are all the same thing. Indeed, nothing could be further from the truth.

As I have expressed many times in the past, marketing is about a strategy, while advertising is one way of implementing that strategy. Public relations, while also a part of marketing strategy, is about building awareness for your company.

PR is the art of obtaining free exposure for your company. It provides the opportunity for you to share your corporate beliefs, values, and products and services to the public. There are many ways to achieve this.

One of the most familiar ways to obtain PR is through a press/media release. There is definite perceived value when your release is seen as newsworthy. But remember that the media is inundated on a daily basis with releases from others who, just like you, are looking for coverage for their latest announcement. So, make sure that you truly have something important to share, and deliver it in a way that demonstrates its importance and sets you apart from the rest. Press/media releases are useful for announcing new products or services, new offices or changes in staff; any change or improvement to your business.

But PR is about more than just media releases.

The options that exist to help your company gain free exposure have grown exponentially over the years. Proper use of social media, for instance, can generate a lot of very positive public relations for you. Other options include participation in charitable events, such as charity runs, golf tournaments, assisting at a local food bank, helping out at a soup kitchen, etc.

All of the examples mentioned above will help you gain exposure for your business, while also demonstrating some of the fundamental values of your company. Let’s face it; most people truly do like to give back and to help others, whether physically, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. And public relations provide the ideal opportunity to prove that you and your company have some very closely held beliefs and values.

This brings us to the fundamentals of marketing. The goal of marketing is to attract clients and prospects to do business with you. And what is that common theme that runs through all marketing? People like to do business with people who they know, like, and trust. Public relations is another avenue to gain credibility in the marketplace.

There is also a flip side to PR.

Public relations also has a very important role in maintaining a corporate reputation.

There may be times, no matter how hard you tried to do the right thing, that someone or something doesn’t go as planned, resulting in negative publicity for your company. Enter public relations.

There are two sides to every issue, and at least two sides to every argument. And no matter how much you try, you will never be everything to everyone. There will be times when something happens that’s outside of your control, or some group or organization launches an attack on your business or your industry. Proper messaging, targeting, and use of public relations can help turn the tide, stem the negativity, and reinstate your credibility.

Like everything, there is a proper strategy and method required in order to implement a suitable and effective public relations campaign. If you are inexperienced or lack the time to dedicate to the development of an appropriate PR strategy, it is well worth your investment to hire a PR consultant to assist you in focusing your campaign.

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Facts And Fallacies About Social Media

social media

This is been a really interesting week.

I have had the opportunity to work with a couple of different social media marketers, and it’s always fun to get the different perspectives! Of course, I have experience with social media marketing. And, over the past several years, I have had the opportunity to work with many strategic alliance partners who are experts in the field of social media and online marketing.

Lots of times, people think of social media just in the context of various platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. But social media marketing is a subset of online marketing, and there are many layers to marketing online beyond these communication platforms.

Social media marketing is certainly about setting up profiles on those social media platforms that are most closely aligned with your business model and your target audience. But it is also about getting attention online to your business, amid all of the noise out there on the Internet.

I’m sure you’ve all heard by now about SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. The goal of being online is to be found online, so you can gain clients and prospects for your business. And with the vast number of businesses marketing their services and products online, you must be able to be found. Search engine optimization is kind of the Godfather of this process, and is at the core of a why all other online marketing methods are employed.

But let’s get back to social media.

When looking to establish a social media program for your business, it is important to ensure that you are reaching them on those platforms where they are most likely to be found. Different platforms have different purposes, different reaches, and attract a different audience. There is, of course, some overlap. For instance, Instagram is a great platform to showcase your products, given that it is a social platform for posting pictures. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is a platform that is meant to engage a more business-focused audience, providing opportunities to share knowledge, discuss topics, and network with other business professionals.

But what all these platforms have in common is that they are about social interaction, and that is where many businesses fall short of the mark.

You want to be sure of your purpose for social media interaction as well. Why are you on the various platforms? Are you looking to share knowledge and expertise? Awareness of your brand or your product? Are you looking for social interaction with people who have similar interests as you?

Whatever your purpose, make sure that you approach your social media marketing with a plan. Unfortunately, many less-than-ethical individuals and businesses exist in the big, wide world of Internet marketing who will make extravagant promises to businesses, for a specific fee, over a period of time – usually a minimum of three months. And then they fail to deliver on the promises. These entities are doing a great disservice to everyone involved; the business who paid and didn’t receive the promised results, the optics of the value of social media marketing, and the services of legitimate marketing professionals.

But there is some complicity on the part of the client here as well. We’ve all heard that adage, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”. So if someone approaches you and promises you a front page Google listing practically overnight for a mere $XXX per month, do your homework and find out how this will be delivered. Too many of these unscrupulous marketers will engage in black hat techniques that could end up getting your company banned from Google listings completely. And once these folks have your three month fee in their pockets, they just move on to the next company, without care or concern about your level of satisfaction with their services.

And another important note – don’t get hung up on the number of Likes, Friends, Followers etc. that you have, compared to others on social media platforms. Stay focused on the purpose for being on these platforms and don’t get sucked into thinking it is a popularity contest. It is better to have 1000 legitimate, engaged Followers who are most likely to convert to clients than to have 154K Followers who never engage.

We’re responding to requests to provide more information about this topic, and are in the process of developing a new video series about the 10 best ways to utilize social media marketing, so watch for it soon. And until then, be clear on your intent when integrating social media marketing into your business.

Until next time…

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It’s Time To Start Preparing For 2016!

preparing for 2016

Where did the time go?

Here it is, December 1st already. It’s been 11 months since you started implementing your 2015 goals and plans you hoped to achieve this year.

So, how did you do?

Everyone’s attention is turning to Christmas and the holiday season. But it’s also time to review both the successes and the failures you experienced in your business in 2015. It’s time to take those peaks and valleys, learn from your mistakes, and begin to build your plan for 2016.

We’ve never fully recovered from the global financial crisis in 2008. Sure, we’ve had periods of fairly good growth, but overall it’s been fairly tepid. Many things have changed, not just in North America, but globally. The advances in communication and technology have had a huge impact on how we do business in this day and age. As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Read more

Growing Your Business – Learn To Trust The Process

trust the process

Building a business is hard work!

And, in fact, sometimes it can be a bit discouraging.

Creating and following a process is at the core of strengthening and growing your business, and learning how to plan out your idea and build a process around it will get you far. But even with a plan in place, it is common to have doubts from time to time. When this happens, you just have to learn to trust the process!

Join us in this episode of The Small Business Tips Show and listen as we discuss ways to accomplish this for your small business!

Watch our Video Broadcast, or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Digital Fatigue???

digital fatigue

There is absolutely no question that digital communications are the new reality;

they should also form an integral part of any marketing strategy.

But that doesn’t mean that online communication and social media strategies should be the only avenue you take for promoting and advertising your business.

The phrase “digital fatigue” has been around for a couple of years now, and has a couple of different meanings. There is an actual medical definition that refers to physical manifestations resulting from spending too much time on computers, smart phones and other electronics. This includes problems like eyestrain and migraines.

And then there is the antisocial aspect of digital communications. We are all familiar with instances of groups of people sitting together but not interacting, instead preferring focusing their attentions on their smartphones.  In fact, we have all poked fun at those folks.  Some places, like restaurants and theaters, are implementing rules about cellphones.  Scary that we have to have rules put into place to avoid being rude…

Is it any wonder that people are seeking out physical objects and experiences?

There is no denying that to be successful in business these days you must have an online presence. And these days, your website needs to be more than simply an online brochure. A website where prospects and clients can go to learn more about you or to obtain assistance with some simple questions about your business is a must. Social media is also playing a bigger and bigger role. Love it or hate it, but used properly social media is an incredibly powerful tool for engaging clients and prospective clients. It also provides opportunities to announce new product and service offerings, to announce sales, and to interact in a timely way with others.

Unfortunately, in some cases people think that online marketing is all they need to do – especially if they are digital marketers.

When you are developing your marketing strategy, be sure that what you are developing is truly a marketing strategy. If you engage the services of a digital marketer, expect to have your marketing plan focus on digital marketing.  And if you are engaging the services of someone who only does off-line marketing, then you can also expect their marketing plan to focus on their area of specialty: off-line marketing.

That is why you should consider hiring a marketing strategist to provide an overall marketing strategy. A good marketing strategist will take a look at all aspects of your business and provide you with a marketing plan with the proper balance of off-line and online marketing strategies, specific to the needs of your business. It can be easy to be seduced by the promises of quick results by those marketers who will deliver services specifically in their niche, but without the global view, an understanding of your business goals and your corporate brand, you are likely to be disappointed with the results. Even if the marketer is successful in delivering what they have promised to deliver, your overall marketing plan will be missing specific elements, and any gains are likely to be lost as soon as the program is discontinued.

Before the internet and online marketing became widespread, there was some initial reluctance in adopting it as a marketing technique. Now however, it seems as though the pendulum has swung too far the other way with too much reliance on technology, which has resulted in “digital fatigue”.

Despite all of the benefits – and there are many – of technology and digital communication, at the end of the day we all like that personal touch, that human connection, the knowledge that there is another human being on the other side of that computer screen. Keep that in mind and seek balance in your marketing strategy and you will have better results and happier clients.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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The Science Of Marketing

science of marketing

I wanted to talk to you today about the science of marketing.

I think this is a very important topic because, despite what many people believe, effective marketing is truly a science.

Let’s look for a minute at the definition of science:


  • the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
  • a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.

As you can see from the above definition, science is not limited to the study of chemicals, biology, physics, etc., but rather can be applied to any subject as long as that subject is approached and executed in a systematic way.

Those of you who have been reading my articles for a while have heard me say many times that marketing is a science and must be approached in that manner. One of the things that I have repeatedly said is that marketing is not advertising. And, to repeat myself again, marketing is a process and advertising is a method of delivery of your messaging to your clients and prospects.

So, why do I continue to repeat this mantra?

Well, partly it is because of this common misconception which leads to the belief that “anyone can do marketing”, with the end result being disappointed clients. And partly it is to help educate folks, assisting them in understanding the difference so that they can make better choices and ensure that their marketing dollars are being allocated appropriately.

Unfortunately, just like in many industries, there are those who promote themselves as marketing experts when, in truth, they are simply executing a single advertising method. For instance, we all know that in today’s technology-based environment that we must have an online presence. And, based on your business model and your intent, being found online can an important factor in the success or failure of your business. Knowing this, many individuals and companies have been formed who will promise to give you first page rankings on search engines for a specified fee. This is an effective strategy when employed correctly, but make sure that you are working with a reputable individual or organization so you will not be disappointed with the results. In some cases, these people or companies will charge huge fees for a short term result, causing your rankings to drop again as soon as their engagement is completed. Even more worrying, is that some of these individuals and companies employ “black hat” techniques which can cause you to become banned from the search engines.

Everything of value takes time to build. You must create a solid foundation and build on that foundation for the structure to be solid. Do not be seduced by quick fix schemes; you will end up disappointed and poorer for it.

Do your homework when hiring your marketing consultant. Check testimonials and asked them about their methods, tactics, and techniques. And also, make sure that your personalities fit. There is no denying that we get along with some folks better than others, and you will not get your best results if you do not get along with the people with whom you are working.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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