Measuring Your ROI

measuring roi

Measuring ROI is not always easy!

But knowing how well your campaigns are doing is imperative to your success.

Measuring the results of any marketing campaign is important on many levels. You need to know what is working and what isn’t. And you need to know what is giving you the most value.

Calculating ROI can be tricky.

Today’s explainer video explains different ways to measure your ROI; a simple and a more detailed calculation.

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3 Keys To Staying Motivated

staying motivated

Do you ever feel like giving up?

Well, duhhh! Of course you do!

Let’s face it… we can all get discouraged from time to time. And when we are feeling like giving it all up, it can be hard to stay motivated.

Want to learn some tricks to getting over that?

Watch today’s explainer video as we discuss 3 key ways to stay motivated when you are feeling down.

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Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Using Polls And Surveys

polls and surveys

Do you use polls and surveys?

Or, maybe a better question is, should you be using them?

We all like to think that our opinion matters. And engaging prospects and clients can be difficult.

Short polls and surveys can help improve engagement rates.

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video to see how adding short surveys or polls will help you grow your clientele.

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The Value Of Contests


What value do contests bring?

Do they really provide long-term value or are they a loss leader?

Let’s face it; everyone loves the chance to win something.  The idea of getting something for nothing – or next to nothing – has wide appeal.

So maybe it’s time to consider running a contest for your prospects and clients!

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video to see how running a simple contest can help grow your business.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Reach Out And Touch!


So you’ve landed that great client?

Congrats! But now what are you doing about it?

Too often, business owners fulfill their obligation to their new client and then move on to trying to capture the next one.

Beware of this trap!

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video and find out how neglecting your clients can harm your business and your reputation.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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The Demise Of Email Marketing

optimize your emails

Is email marketing dead?

Or are rumors of it’s demise overstated?

Many reports and rumors would have us believe that the reign of email marketing is over and that social media marketing and other technological advances have taken over.

But are they right?

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video and find out why how and why email marketing is still relevant.

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Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Do You Overshare?


Beware the overshare!

Are you sharing too much?

In our ‘real’ lives, we have all been exposed to people who tell to much; so much so that the expression ‘TMI!’ followed by fingers plugging our ears has become the normal response. But when we are online, we can’t plug our ears.

So what happens instead?

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video and find out why too much is too much!

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Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Sure, But Are They Truly Your Friends?


Are your friends really your friends?

Do you bring value to each other?

Social media marketing has changed the way people and brands communicate online. But simply having numbers of followers, likes, friends, etc. is only part of the story.

Consider the quality of the people and brands you are connecting with.

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video and see why quality trumps quantity!

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Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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Learn The Art Of Listening

the art of listening

Are you listening? What do you hear?

Are you listening to others?

If you are so busy telling others what you know, you can’t hear what they want and need.

Learn the art of listening. 

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video to learn how actively listening to others will help your relationships and improve your business.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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The Secret To More Engagement Revealed!

client engagement

Looking for more client engagement?

Well, here’s the secret!

Did you know that making one small change in how you communicate can drastically improve your engagement rates?

Well, today we expose this not-so-secret secret..

Watch today’s Marketing In A Minute video and see how this one simple thing can change things for the better.

Please join us now, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our upcoming tips.

Watch our video now, or watch on YouTube.

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