Introductory Newsletter November 2022

Aging plan services summary

Legacy and Lifestyle Planning

Legacy and Lifestyle Planning is a holistic service that goes beyond mere financial planning to include personal well-being, housing transitions, legal preparations, and the creation of a lasting legacy.

Check out our online brochure to learn how Legacy & Lifestyle Planning can help you gain peace of mind.  Remember that all our plans are specifically designed to address your unique circumstances.

View our online brochure to learn more about our services and expertise:


You can  also check out our guides and programs or learn more about NEXsteps.

Hours and Hours

unpaid caregiver hours and value

Unpaid caregivers – family and friends – provide incredible value.

Have you ever wondered how many hours family and friends give as caregivers? It’s not trivial, nor is the monetary value.

It happens to all of us eventually. We’re either providing assistance and support to our loved ones as they advance in age and care needs, or we’re the ones aging and receiving the support.

Regardless, it all adds up. Usually, it is insidious; a few hours here and there to help with errands or appointments. Before long, it is taking up a larger and larger part of your day. But what does this unpaid caregiver hours and value look like?

I had the opportunity recently to talk with Jacquie Eales, Research Manager, Research on Aging, Policies & Practice at the University of Alberta. One of the areas they have researched and compiled data is that of unpaid caregiver hours. With Jacquie’s blessing, I will share some of that data with you in this post.

First of all, let’s take the birds’ eye overview of what that looks like across the provinces of Canada. This infographic shows the percentage of population per province engaged in caregiving, as well as the amount of time spent in millions of hours per year, and the economic value in billions per year, at $17 per hour.

Now, let’s break it out by category for a clearer visual representation:

As you can see in the above picture, one-quarter to one-third of our population is engaged in providing caregiving support.


This next image breaks out the amount of time friend and family caregivers are providing each year, in millions.


Calculated at $17 per hour, the economic value of these millions of hours of support represent significant value, as shown in the following image.

Attribution: Family-caregiving-worth-97-billion_2022-02-20 by Research on Aging, Policies and Practice, University of Alberta,

The amount of time provided to support our aging population clearly is far from trivial.  Keep in mind that during the Covid-19 lockdowns, many family/friend caregivers could not access their loved ones, creating stress for the staff at the various facilities housing so many of our seniors, frustration for the friends and family members, and isolating a cohort that already suffers from loneliness and seclusion.

Societies have always depended on the support of friends and family members to assist with those who require support.  This is something that the vast majority of us never would question and is a fundamental kindness.  But options exist to provide balance and wellness for everyone concerned.  A consultation with NEXsteps can show you how you can provide the love and support to your loved ones while striking a better balance with the other aspects of your life.  Contact us to schedule your consultation, or learn more about our services.


You can also see our video on YouTube


Introducing NEXsteps – Age with Confidence

transitional aging specialist

Introducing NEXsteps – The Art of Aging Well

We are your legacy and lifestyle planning specialists.

The past few years dealing with COVID-19 have been challenging for everyone, and on many levels. During the initial phase, no one knew what to expect. Lockdowns caused many businesses to close, often with no ability to reopen in the future. The impact of the lack of business reverberated throughout nearly all types of businesses; with no customers and no idea what the future held, many opportunities were lost and many businesses had to learn to pivot to continue.

I took this opportunity to reflect on what I felt was most meaningful to me at this phase of my life. I have spent the past several years managing the care and transition of aging friends and relatives, becoming a transitional aging specialist. This has been both rewarding and challenging. There are many aspects to the aging process and the development of an aging plan that simply can’t be anticipated, especially if you are a caregiver “newby”. Then, just a couple months ago, I made a decision to shift my focus from general business and strategic marketing consultation  to consulting with the aging, and their friends and family members who will have the responsibility of managing their care and their aging plan.

I invite any of you who are faced with this planning to reach out. An initial ninety minute consultation to develop a proper aging plan will ensure that you can move forward with confidence and efficiency. Don’t spend hours of your time chasing answers that I have already have discovered during my journey to become a transitional aging specialist. Contact us and schedule your consultation, or check out our products and services.

View our online brochure to learn more about our Legacy and Lifestyle Planning services.

Learn more…

Elegant Simplicity – How To Create And Market Your Products And Services

elegant simplicity for your products and services

How does elegant simplicity help with your products and services?

Finally! Our local economies are starting to open up. And although it isn’t necessarily “business as usual”, I know we are all anxious to get back to work and make up for lost time and revenue.

In this podcast, we explore what Elegant Simplicity is all about. What is the best way to create, develop and market your products and services? Have a listen – you just might be surprised!

For more tips on how to improve your business, catch my videos on the Agapi YouTube channel, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Listen here or download the podcast.

Did you know? Our podcast is available on 7 platforms.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

If you like the information you are receiving, please share this post.

How Agapi Helps During COVID-19

covid-19 restrictions

Are COVID-19 restrictions lifting for good?

It’s been over a month since I last posted here.  Dealing with the restrictions and lockdown of businesses and society has been challenging for all of us.

But now there is light at the end of the tunnel!  Restrictions are starting be lifted and businesses are slowly being permitted to open (with certain regulations still in place to continue to protect everyone against this virus).

Today I published a new podcast.  This is an audio version of my last uploaded video, along with an updated introduction.  As we start to take baby steps toward “normalcy”, make sure that your business is prepared – not just for now, but with a strategy for the future.  I have assisted a couple of local businesses recently and they have been kind enough to provide testimonials, which I invite you to read.

For more tips on how to improve your business, catch my videos on the Agapi YouTube channel, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Listen here or download the podcast.

Did you know? Our podcast is available on 7 platforms.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

If you like the information you are receiving, please share this post.

Agapi Helps During COVID-19. Here’s How…


The COVID-19 pandemic.

These are trying times for all of us! Social distancing, self-isolation, quarantine; these phrases are now part of our everyday vocabulary as we try to keep everyone safe and healthy.

But many are also enduring very difficult times. Many businesses have had to close their doors and lay off their loyal employees. Businesses that have been able to remain open struggle with learning to function with remote staff as their employees learn to work from home. There has been loss of income and governments around the globe are spending enormous amounts to try to ensure that people can survive.

Agapi can help you with this huge paradigm shift. We have experience helping businesses during transitional times. Take a look at our video to learn more.

Watch here, or watch on YouTube.

Please stay safe and healthy! We will get through this.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

If you like the information you are receiving, please share this post.

Getting More Clients When Times Are Tough – Part 2

getting clients in tough times

Need some help getting clients when times are tough?

Whoa!!! It’s been a month since my last post here. Time to get off my  !!!

The previous post was about how to get new clients when the economy has slowed down. Today, we are airing Part 2 of this discussion. These strategies and tips will help you succeed in good times and in bad.

For more tips on how to improve your business, catch my videos on the Agapi YouTube channel, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Listen here or download the podcast.

Did you know? Our podcast is available on 7 platforms.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

If you like the information you are receiving, please share this post.

Getting More Clients When Times Are Tough

getting more clients when times are tough

How do you get clients when times are tough?

Getting new clients is a challenge at the best of times, but when the economy has slowed down, it can be an even bigger challenge.

This Small Business Tips Show broadcast was originally aired in 2015. But the information in this podcast is as relevant today as it was then. Economies are cyclical, and there are always the inevitable ups and downs. Listen in for some strategies and real life examples of how to survive in tough times.

For more tips on how to improve your business, catch my videos on the Agapi YouTube channel, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Listen here or download the podcast.

Did you know? Our podcast is available on 7 platforms.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

If you like the information you are receiving, please share this post.



What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

Welcome to 2020! It’s not just a new year, but also the beginning of a new decade.

After taking a bit of a ‘posting break’ in December, we’re back again bringing you tips and strategies to help you with your business.

A while back, Frank Thomas and I recorded a podcast for the Small Business Tips Show discussing entrepreneurship. Do you think you want to be an entrepreneur? This discussion will tell you the good, the bad and the ugly!

For more tips on how to improve your business, catch my videos on the Agapi YouTube channel, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Listen here or download our podcast.

Did you know? Our podcast is available on 7 platforms.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

If you like the information you are receiving, please share this post.

Marketing – Back By Popular Demand!

marketing your business podcast

Marketing – digging deeper!

One of our earlier podcasts about marketing with Frank Thomas of the Small Business Tips Show was highly acclaimed. Due to its popularity, we dove into the deep end with even more discussion about effective marketing. In this interview, we dig deeper into marketing your business.

For more tips on how to improve your business, catch my videos on the Agapi YouTube channel, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

Listen here or download our podcast.

Did you know? Our podcast is available on 7 platforms.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

If you like the information you are receiving, please share this post.
