Your Business Website Is The Foundation For Your Digital Marketing

foundation for your digital marketing

Build a foundation for your digital marketing.

Any smart online digital marketer will tell you that your website is the most important aspect of any successful online business. And any successful website covers every angle when it comes to the customer’s journey on finding exactly what they need, whether that be a product or service that the business is offering. Do it wrong, and that customer will go to another website where that business is doing it right.

So what are the things that every successful digital marketing hub has? Well for starters, this is the place where the business begins to build its’ brand and reputation. And everything that involves the brand should be here such the core message or mission statement of the company, the source of the business information including the location, the management, the employees, and the expertise of the business team that is building this brand.

Of course, your business might be different, and you may have a small team offering products or services. Or it may be just you offering a product.

In this case, you would build up on why your product is better, or where your service is better than ‘company-x.’ Building your brand all starts here on your web property.

But this is just the beginning of having a solid foundation for your ‘digital marketing hub’. A good way to look at this is from a customer or visitor standpoint. Does your website have everything that the customer needs including answering questions about the product or service that you offer?

Do you have complete product or service guides online, and are those guides being regularly updated? And do you have product guides and tutorials setup for buying customers?

Many online businesses have different products or offer different services, and those could include customer education, or supplying how-to guides.

Having lead generation is another important aspect along with being able to find that business on social networks. This is important because many businesses use these social networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to keep their customer base updated on new products or services that the company offers. And there is so much more.

If after reading all this, you must feel overwhelmed, don’t worry. We can guide you through the process of making sure your website is fully utilized for your business, and it’s optimized to increase conversions.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Improve Your Web Design Using These 9 Tips

tips to improve your web design

Are you wondering what makes an effective web design?

Is it the visual elements, or is it the functionality?

Truth be told it is a combination of both. As Steve Jobs once said, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

Websites with great usability and function tend to perform better on Google than those just with beautiful design. We want to show you 10 ways to improve your existing website to ensure you are getting the most bang for your buck.

Check out these nine tips to improve your web design.

Purpose and Function

An exceptional website has a clear purpose, and the function is evident and intuitive. The design of every element and how they come together as a whole should be derived from the purpose and function of the website.

Communication and Interaction

Internet users want information quickly. To ensure you are providing lightning-fast information, you should be clear and concise, using headlines, and subtitles to provide valuable information. Links to the email address or contact form, live chat, and feedback form should also be easily accessible.

Intuitive Navigation

Navigation is a core element in which your website is built upon. The navigation should make sense to your visitors whatever path they wish to take. Navigating from point A to C based on the customer’s journey should flow smoothly without any barriers or friction. Ensure your customers can find the information they are looking for within 3 clicks or less.

Design Consistency

Each design element should match throughout the entire website. This means your headlines, colors, and so forth should all have the same look and feel. Take the time to plan out every detail to ensure your message is consistent throughout.

F-Pattern design & Grid-Based Layout

Ensure your page elements are arranged in a way that is natural for the eye. Studies have shown that people view pages in an “F” shaped pattern. Arrange your content based on a grid to create content that is both aligned and balanced.

Typography and Readability

The text is one of the most vital elements to a website, providing users with necessary information, and providing content for SEO. Create visually engaging type by using attractive and readable typefaces.

Color palette and imagery

Use a well thought out color pallet to enhance your user’s experience. Use contrasting colors for the background and text, while implementing vibrant colors for buttons and headlines to draw the user’s attention.


The number of devices that users are viewing websites from has increased dramatically over the past few years. Ensure your website is built with a responsive layout.

Loading speed

Take the time to ensure your website is loading at lightning speed. User’s hate when it takes more than just a few seconds to load a page.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Start Using SEO And Start Gaining More Customers!

how SEO helps you get more customers

How SEO helps you get more customers.

Tired of spending money on print ads, billboards, flyers, and more? Save money, and let our experts show you how to use SEO to gain more customers.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is a powerful resource for expanding your business. It allows your business to become visible to those who need your products and services.

Did you know that about 89% of consumers use search engines for making product decisions. So if you’re tired of finding customers, SEO will help you get found by customers.

How? When someone types in a search query on Google, Google matches that with millions of web pages in its database and shows the most relevant pages based on the user’s search text, context, intent, location, and hundreds of other signals.

It’s is a way of reaching more customers behind the comfort of a computer or mobile device. Tap into this power by allowing us to help you optimize your website.

SEO can be utilized to target your ideal customer and increase your brand’s visibility on search engines because the more visible you are the more extensive your brand’s reach becomes. Let Google help your potential customers find you.

Stop wasting money and start saving today by utilizing SEO in your business!

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Using Facebook To Promote Your Business

facebook for business

Did you know that you can promote your business on Facebook?

A Social Media Marketing Industry Report by Social Media Examiner revealed that Facebook is the most popular channel used by 94% of the survey respondents.

Twitter follows with 68%, LinkedIn at 56%, and Instagram at 54%.

72% of B2C marketers project an increased Facebook usage more than their B2B counterparts at 63%.

Are you actively promoting your business on Facebook?

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Online Advertising Mistakes Your Small Business Can’t Afford to Make

top five online advertising mistakes

Here are the top five online advertising mistakes you can’t afford to make.

Are you new to PPC (Pay-Per-Click) digital advertising campaigns? Or, maybe the time and money you’ve invested in your PPC campaigns haven’t been paying off?

Here are the top 5 PPC campaign mistakes we see all the time that you and your business should avoid at all costs:

Launching a Campaign Without a Clear Strategy

It’s impossible to measure success without defining clear goals. Ask yourself these two questions: What is your primary goal for this campaign? Who is your target market to reach that goal? Then set up an action plan of specific tasks that will help you reach success.

Taking a “Do-it-all” Approach

As you may already know, PPC marketing is much more complex than it seems. You need to make sure that you have access to a digital marketing consultant.

Effective campaigns address the 3 basic types of PPC traffic separately: search traffic, display traffic, and social traffic. Delivering different ad experiences to each type of traffic increases your odds of success.

Failure to Identify a Realistic Budget

Think of your first few campaigns as tests. They may not be profitable, because you don’t know what will work and what won’t. Your budget shouldn’t be too low or too high. Your budget should be enough to test your campaign for future optimization.

Having Unrealistic Expectations

You may expect to see immediate results from your PPC ad campaign, especially if your website is optimized for SEO. Be patient for the first few weeks of your new campaign.

Not Testing Your Conversion Funnel

Make sure everything is working correctly by using test users. Have them experiment, use the site to perform tasks, and don’t forget to have them test the site from a variety of devices!

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Want to Discover the Keyword Strategy of your Competitors?

Want to Discover the Keyword Strategy of your Competitors?

Understanding the keyword strategy of your competitors will give you a leg up.

Are your competitors way ahead of you when it comes to getting leads? Ever wondered how they do that? How come their website ranks so high? Why do you keep seeing their ads at the top of the page? It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

There is something that you can do about it.


What if I told you that you can find out what their keyword strategy is and simply adapting their techniques for your business?

Just think, you can then add their effective keywords to your existing keywords without doing any exhausting, time-consuming research. Easy!

It’s easy if you know where to look. Click on these links to start immediately:

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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How To Benefit from Business Blogging

business blogging benefits

Does your website have a blog?

Are you blogging?

Consider these statistics:

1. Companies that use blogs receive 67% more leads than companies who don’t!
2. Twenty-three percent of Internet time is spent on blogs and social networks, so you need to be blogging!
3. Businesses that blog get more visitors to their website (average of 55% more website visitors)
4. Almost half of the companies in the US use blogs to marketing their product/services because it works!
5. If you blog 16 to 20 times in a 30-day period, you will generate nearly 3 times as many leads as those businesses who do not blog.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Is Your SEO Campaign Working? 3 Things Your SEO Provider Should be Doing for Your Business

seo providers

Do you know if your SEO campaign is working?

If your search engine optimization campaign isn’t going as well as you’d hoped for, you may not have the right service provider for your business.

Choosing an SEO provider should be done carefully to ensure the long-term success of your campaign, website, and business. It’s important to find a provider that not only has a strategy but who utilizes a strategy that is specific to the needs and goals of your business rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

The SEO industry is constantly changing. What works today may not work six months from now. Finding a provider who customizes their services for your business will ensure that you won’t get left behind.

Here are 3 key things that the best providers do for the businesses they serve.

1. Top providers perform audits. SEO audits document baseline performance and analyze the impact and quality of previous work to ensure continued success.

2. Good providers provide blueprints, which lay out a comprehensive plan designed specifically for your business. They establish benchmarks and goals, integrate a budget, provide SEO strategy recommendations, and provide a backup plan in case things don’t go as well as they should.

3. The best providers maintain ongoing monitoring and consultation. Providing ongoing monitoring and consultation ensures that your campaign is performing successfully and that you are seeing the desired results.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Only 36% of Organizations Use Advanced Marketing Tools and Practices. Are you One of Them?

Only 36% of Organizations Use Advanced Marketing Tools and Practices. Are you One of Them?

Get the advantage by using advanced marketing tools and practices.

A Harvard Business Review Survey found that only 36% of organizations use some advanced tools and practices, but they are mostly underutilized or disconnected.

And that only 15% of companies use these tools, analytics, and practices widely for more effective marketing and sales efforts.

Are you in the 15%, or are you having trouble integrating these tools and practices to your business?

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, at what extent do you use advanced tools to maximize your marketing?

Shoot us an email and let us know.

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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Why Aren’t You Using Facebook To Promote Your Business?

facebook is a marketing tool

Facebook is a great marketing tool.

A Social Media Marketing Industry Report by Social Media Examiner revealed that Facebook is the most popular channel used by 94% of the survey respondents.

Twitter follows with 68%, LinkedIn at 56%, and Instagram at 54%.

72% of B2C marketers project an increased Facebook usage more than their B2B counterparts at 63%.

Are you actively promoting your business on Facebook?

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, please reach out to us.

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