The “I Hate to be on Camera” Guide to Video Marketing

on camera

Hate being on camera?

There is no denying the simple fact that video marketing has become one of the most popular ways to tell your story, and is an important tool to use even if you hate to be on camera.

The old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words” is now truer than ever, and to miss out on the opportunity to employ this method of communicating with your clients and prospects could become a real barrier to your company’s potential growth.

Based on research from comScore published earlier this year, mobile usage surpassed desktop usage in 2014 and is on the rise. It now accounts for approximately 60% of web surfing.

Along with this increased mobile usage come shorter attention spans. And the best way to capture and retain the interest of prospects and clients is with an interesting and concise video that will keep them engaged and interested in your message.

But, what if you’re camera-shy?

Well, there are a couple of ways around that.

The first is to utilize the power of slide presentation software such as PowerPoint, as well as using screen capture software such as Camtasia. This allows you to create presentations on your computer, narrate them, and upload them to YouTube or other video sites.

The other thing you can do is get over yourself.

Now, I’m not trying to be rude here. I say this because I believe that you have to practice what you preach.

I, like most of you I suspect, absolutely hate being in front of a camera. It doesn’t matter if it is a still shot or a video camera, I have been successfully dodging being captured since the days of film.

But I have recognized that in order to market yourself and your business online, you have to engage and entertain prospects and clients in ways that build that most important element – trust!

Through the creation of videos, you get to “meet” your prospects. Hopefully, if your videos are providing them with something interesting, entertaining, and/or useful, they will eventually become your clients.

Take small steps towards making your videos, if that’ll help you become more comfortable. I started by posting narrated slideshow videos. And although that is a very effective and useful way of communicating your message, I decided to take the leap and create a series capturing myself on video speaking to the topic.

Was I out of my comfort zone? Absolutely!

Was I self-conscious? You bet!

Did I struggle with remembering my notes and where to look? Yep!

But I persisted!  I did several takes of each session, chose the best of the lot, and had them produced. And with each topic, I became a bit more comfortable.

Am I now a movie pro? Not by a long shot.

But I did get over myself in order to bring some important advice and information to you – and help you get over it if you also hate to be on camera.

So get ready, because this Thursday, March 12th, the introductory video for my series, “The Top Ten Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make” will make its appearance.
Each video in the series will speak to one of the top 10 – in countdown fashion.

Be sure to tune in.  And, please, look past the self-conscious delivery and pay attention to the message in each of the videos. You won’t regret it. And you just might become motivated to start creating your own webcasts!

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Marketing On YouTube – Part Five

youtube marketing faqs

The Top FAQ’s About YouTube Marketing

Hopefully, the previous 4 videos have shown you the clear advantages to using YouTube marketing to grow your business and increase your brand awareness. In this final video, we address the top FAQ’s regarding using YouTube for marketing.

Watch our video about YouTube Marketing FAQ’s now, or on YouTube.

This video will answer the most common questions that come up regarding YouTube video marketing. Read more

Marketing On YouTube – Part Four

youtube marketing success

Revealing The Top 7 Steps To YouTube Marketing Success

By now, you have debunked the YouTube marketing myths and have learned the top 5 reasons why you should be using this online tool to help grow your business. In this video, the fourth in our series, we reveal the top 7 steps to achieve YouTube marketing success.

Watch our video now, or on YouTube.

This video lays out, step by step, the top 7 things you can and should do to ensure marketing success using YouTube. Read more

Marketing On YouTube – Part Three

youtube marketing top reasons

The Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using YouTube Marketing For Your Business

Our previous post pointed out the top 4 misconceptions about YouTube marketing and showed why those are simply myths. In this video, we will show you the top 5 reasons why you should be using YouTube to help market your business.

Watch our video now, or on YouTube:

In this video, you’ll discover why you should be taking advantage of this marketing platform and how your business can benefit. Read more
