How To Use Your Website To Improve Your Business

website design to improve your business

Yes, your website can improve your business.

Most business people understand that having a website is an essential part of their business. The internet has become the “go-to” place for prospects to search for information to help them decide who they will do business with and you should be using your website to improve your business.

In the earlier days of the internet, a website was seen as a digital brochure, providing certain facts and information about products and services of a company. While a website still should contain these vital elements, visitors expect much more than the basics.

In order to turn your website from a static, non-engaging site to an important and dependable driver for your business, let’s look at how to improve your website and other online communications by making it effortless for your clients to introduce your business to their friends, family and business associates.

Make the Rule of 52 work for you:

Most likely, you have heard of the Rule of 52, which suggests that every person has an inner circle of 52 friends and family members, give or take. To use this to your advantage, create an effective online strategy that provides an effective conduit between your business and those connections of your clients. The resulting lead generation can be substantial. For example, if you have 50 clients, using the rule of 52, you have the opportunity to touch 2600 people.

So how do you reach out to these prospects? Well, a good website can provide the foundation for a relationship through developing a virtual connection with these people on their own terms. The key is to develop this relationship by making your website a vital resource.

How do you do that? Read on…

How to sell by teaching:

How is your website viewed by your clients? Is it merely an online brochure with limited opportunities for engagement, or is it seen as an enlightening source of quality information?
Your website will trigger an emotional response from your visitors, and you will quickly be dismissed if the emotion that is triggered is a “so what’. Additionally, if all your prospects and clients are getting from your site is ‘sell-sell-sell’, they are likely to leave and not return.

On the other hand, providing information and education on your site will heighten engagement as you quickly become a trusted resource, immediately improving your referability.

Assimilation is your friend:

Make sure that you are positioning your website as an information hub. By opting to inform people rather than trying to sell them, you will be providing your clients a ‘safe’ way to refer your business.
Be sure that you develop a habitual approach to providing this information. Consider things such as industry commentary, insights, and updates, newsletters, etc., and feed this information into your site on a regular and consistent basis to develop a following. Integrate these efforts with your social media channels to increase awareness and readership. It might seem like a lot of work but the payoff can be huge – and there are templates and automated processes to make it easier to integrate into your business.

Content is still king:

There is no substitute for content. The businesses that are benefitting the most from their online efforts are those who provide content on a consistent and frequent basis. Adding content sporadically simply doesn’t provide compounding results. By providing regular updates that are predictable, concise, and actionable come to be expected by your clients and prospects. Be sure to ask your readers to share your content to continue to build your following.

Remember that this strategy is one of building, not of selling. By differentiating your business from those who are looking for the ‘one-off’, you will build a solid foundation that will ease the transition from prospect to client.

The art of subliminal marketing:

One of the most powerful tools you can use to build interest in your business is an on-going newsletter. Use this tool judiciously; sending information too often can alienate your prospects and clients, and communicating too seldom can make you fade into the distance.

In some cases, a ‘tip of the week’ has proven effective. Weekly or twice weekly blog posting has proven to be an effective way of maintaining regular communication with your clients and prospects, and can also provide opportunities for dripping.

To be effective be sure to follow the following 3 important components:

1. Be sure to provide content on a consistent basis, and archive all posts on your website
2. Ask your clients and prospects to forward your posts and newsletters to their inner circle
3. Be sure to have an opt-in feature that allows visitors to your site to subscribe

Social media:

Social media can be a double edged sword. Remember that what you post on your social media sites reflects on you and your business. Avoid personal discourse to avoid judgement by potential clients. Don’t risk damaging your brand by posting something that you might regret later.
Use social media to drive traffic back to your website. Announce blog updates, new tips, etc., always pointing them back to your site.

All this will take time, but your efforts will compound. By creating a familiarity, you will gain trust, and your investment into your online presence is an investment in how you are perceived. By employing an integrated and consistent approach, you can ensure that clients and prospects place more trust you more than others who are vying for their business.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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