Why You Need A Business Plan – Part 2

why you need to create a business plan

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”

This quote is attributed to Benjamin Franklin.  And it still proves to be true.

Today, we’re posting the fourth installment of our Entrepreneur Series, Part 2 of the discussion on why you need a business plan.

Join us now as we continue our discussion about why you need to create a business plan and why it is so critical to your success.

Watch our video here or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Why You Need A Business Plan – Part 1

why you need a business plan

Do you have a business plan for your business?

It’s been about a month since we posted a link to the Entrepreneur Series that we are working on with Frank Thomas, of the Small Business Tips Show.

Today, we’re posting the third installment of this series, and it’s all about a business plan.

When recording the webcast on this topic, Frank and I quickly discovered that it is a topic that requires a lot of depth and a lot of discussion. Rather than just skipping over some high points, we decided to create a two-part series.

Now, I know there’s been some talk lately about whether you actually need a business plan or not. But, call me old-fashioned, I still maintain that your business plan provides the foundation upon which your business is constructed.

So check out part one now…and stay tuned. We’ll be posting part two in a couple of days.

Watch our video here, or watch on YouTube.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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Illusions Of Grandeur

illusions of grandeur

When starting a new business, most entrepreneurs dream of success. 

Let’s face it; if they didn’t, why would they even start?

But starting business is a lot of hard work. It’s one thing to have an idea that you believe is viable, but it’s entirely something else to turn that idea into a successful enterprise. There are many steps to go through when starting a business and, like everything, it starts with a plan.

It’s funny how many people shy away from creating a real, tangible business plan that is actually in a written format. Sure, lots of people spend a lot of time thinking about the steps to move their business forward. But without having something written down, it’s easy to miss critical elements of building a successful plan, and perhaps even worse, it’s easy to be seduced into thinking that success is yours for the taking.

We’re all familiar with the phrase “illusions of grandeur”. Simply put, it is the illusion that you have attained something grand. Did you catch that vital word in the previous sentence: “illusion”.

Without creating a solid foundation for your business, you truly will end up suffering from delusions of grandeur. Let me give you a couple of examples.

I’m familiar with a couple of startups that have been created over the course of the past year. Both of these businesses are founded on brilliant ideas but, unfortunately, both businesses also suffered from the lack of a fleshed out business plan. Both of these startups had evidence that there was a desire for their product, and both of these businesses were taking advantage of the technology of the mobile app.

One of these businesses hit the ground running and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the development of their concept. They had investors and they had their concept, but they blew through all of their money before they had proven their concept in the marketplace of the real world. They leased “brick-and-mortar” storefronts in three different countries, all before even getting out of the gates. In the case of this business, failure to develop a solid business plan, with a comprehensive marketing strategy, appropriate budget allocations, and a timeline resulted in the expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars with no return.

In the second example, the business concept again was based on something that was clearly desired in the marketplace. However, in this case we had nearly the opposite issue. Well over $100,000 was invested in this business, with the key difference being that the founder of this company was reluctant to bring in any investors due to the dilution of the founder’s ownership. Once again, the concept lacked the foundation of a business plan. With no budgets, no timeline, and no core marketing strategy, it became difficult to manage the requirements of moving the concept to market. As a result, the founder reacted with a series of knee-jerk decisions that simply ended up costing more money and bore no results.

So as you move your business forward in 2016, revisit your business plan to make sure that it is current. Things change, as do economic circumstances, so make sure that you are tweaking your business plan to reflect the realities of the times.

And if you haven’t written down your business plan, do that first! Avoid falling prey to the illusions of grandeur.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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