Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business – The Final Say

Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business – The Final Say

Today, we live-streamed the final video in this series on offline marketing.

It was a lot of fun doing this video series, partly because I am gaining comfort in front of the camera and partly because it was such a great opportunity to address an area of marketing that is often forgotten or neglected.

Offline marketing methods are extremely effective tools that are often overlooked in this technology driven time. But, as I hope we have demonstrated in this series, they play very nicely when integrated with online marketing methods.

As we pointed out, there are a variety of off-line marketing methods, each with their own advantages. When you’re creating your marketing strategy, it is vitally important that you integrate the appropriate methods into your plan, always keeping your target audience, intent, goal, and budget in mind. Read more

Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business – Integration



So far in our series, we have talked about what offline marketing is, why you would want to use it, and what types of offline marketing you can choose from. Today, we discuss how to integrate offline marketing with online strategies to get the most for your marketing efforts.

Offline and online marketing methods can actually support each other in ways that create a broader reach. Watch our video to see how that works. Read more

Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business – What To Choose

What to choose

So, what should you choose?

In our previous video, we talked about what, exactly, constitutes offline marketing. We provided several choices of things you can do to implement offline marketing strategies into your marketing plan.

Okay, so now that you have all these examples, which of them do you use?

There are several variables that will determine which offline marketing method will best work with your business’s marketing plan. Watch our video to learn how to determine what options are the best choices for you and your business. Read more

Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business – What Is It?

what is offline marketing

Welcome to the third video in our newest series, Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business.

In today’s video we are going to discuss what, exactly, is offline marketing.

Our previous video discussed the reasons why you would want to choose to use offline marketing strategies. Many people, especially those who have grown up never knowing what it was like before we had technology at our fingertips, might question why you would choose to use off-line strategies. However, as our last video demonstrated, there still are very many valid reasons why using off-line marketing strategies still makes a lot of sense.

As we all know, technology seems to be ruling the marketing world. We are seldom not connected, either by our phones, our tablets, or our computers. In fact, some studies have shown that some people actually suffer a type of withdrawal when they’re unable to be connected via technology. Read more

Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business – Why Choose It?

offline marketing strategies

Our previous video introduced this series about using offline marketing strategies for your business.

In this, the second video of the series, we discuss the reasons why you want to use offline marketing.

With the increased reliance on the use of technology for marketing, the focus for many years has been on the implementation of online marketing strategies. And, of course, online marketing is a critical component of the complete marketing plan.

But that doesn’t mean that off-line marketing strategies are passé. Watch our video and see why it makes sense to go a bit old-school and bring offline marketing strategies into your plans. Read more

Using Offline Marketing As A Strategy For Your Business – Introduction

offline marketing

Why offline marketing makes sense.

I’d like to welcome everyone to our newest video series, using offline marketing as a strategy for your business. We’ve been planning this video series for about two months now, but other priorities continued to pop up over the summer, delaying our progress on this series until now.

But this may not be a bad thing. Now that summer is over and the kids are back at school, everyone is focusing back on their business and looking for ways to finish the year off on a positive note. One of the things you should be doing is reviewing your marketing plan, identifying what has worked over the past year, streamlining for the last quarter, and making your adjustments for 2016.

This newest video series focuses on bringing off-line strategies into your marketing plan. Our introductory video will warm you up to the concept and prepare you for the rest of the series. Read more

Know Your Customers!

know your customer kyc

How well do you know your customers?

Our previous post addressed the importance of knowing your competition. Today, we are following up with a presentation about knowing your customers, also known as KYC.

Indeed, knowing your customer is just as important as knowing your competitors. In fact, it might just be even more critical to your success.

This presentation will help you understand why this is so important, how to identify your client, and how to deliver your product and services in a way that ensures their loyalty. KYC is the key!

Watch our video and see how you can enhance your customers’ experiences.  As always, if you prefer, you can watch on our YouTube channel.

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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The Importance Of Knowing Your Competition

know your competitors

What’s your competition doing?

Regardless of whether your business is conducted primarily online or if you have a physical location, one of the most important factors to the success or failure of your business is that of knowing your competition.

We all know that others provide products and services that are similar to our own, despite the fact that we like to think that were unique. But by differentiating ourselves from our competitors, we do establish ourselves as being unique in some aspect of the delivery of our products or services.

Without knowing how your competitors present themselves to clients and prospects, it is impossible to create this differentiation.

But what information are you looking for? How do you discover what it is that your competitors are doing?

Watch our video to learn the questions to ask when looking to set yourself and your business apart from the crowd.  If you prefer, you can also watch on YouTube

Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: Strategy 5 – Advertising



Today marks the final video in our 5 part video series, “How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”. This final video talks about advertising your business.

Did you know that marketing is not the same thing as advertising?  Well, it’s not, despite the fact that those two words are used interchangeably all the time.

Watch our video and learn the difference between marketing and advertising, and how to determine what methods of advertising are most applicable to your business or marketing campaign.

Thanks for watching the series, and we look forward to sharing a new video series with you soon.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:


Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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How To Market Your Business: Strategy Four – Building Trust

Trust the process

Building Trust.

Welcome back to our 5 part video series, “How To Market Your Business: 5 Proven Strategies That Are Easy To Implement”.  The video we released today discusses the issue of building trust.

We all know that a person is behind every business front.  And we also all know that people do business with people they like, know and trust.  But how do you build that trust?  This video shares some simple, strategic ways to build trust, both online and offline.  Watch it to see how you can implement these techniques to help build trust in your business.

Unfortunately, we once again ran into some technological issues with our live-steam today.  As a result, our live event is missing some key information.  We worked to clean the video up, but, alas, no such luck!

So, now you have a choice – we have uploaded the full video to our other channel which we have placed into this post.  If you prefer to watch the live event, you can connect to our Corporate YouTube Channel here – but be warned: you’ll miss some tips!

We are hoping our technical issues will be fixed by Thursday when we will be finishing this video series.

Meanwhile, please watch our video event to get lots of great information about building trust for your business.

Watch Our Video Now, or on YouTube:


Until next time…

Are you ready to grow your business now? If you’re ready to take the next step and make your business more profitable, contact us today.

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